Chapter 48

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The room was filled with suspension and silence

Muzan noticed it was heading nowhere so..

...Ok!- uhm- let's just eat lunch now..
Muzan said to at least break the silence and make them not miss lunch

Y-yeah! Mr Kibutsuji's right
Mitsuri said as she stood up

U all eat I'll watch the two
Giyuu stated as he walked up to his family members

Tanjiro was cut off

It's fine tanjiro...ill get over it..
Giyuu cut off tanjiro and sat down on a chair

Ok if u say so Giyuu-san..
Tanjiro smiled before he left

Giyuu turned back to his relative's eyeing them head to toe

Few minutes later... lunch already pa..
Mui pleaded while tugging giyuu's yukata

I'll eat later...
Giyuu said

Mui replied and looked down

Mui...i'll be fine...
Giyuu smiled at mui

if u say so pa...
Mui looked back at giyuu

Its ok don't worry Abt me..
Giyuu patted mui's head

Mui hummed then pouted

Mui why don't u and tanjiro and the others head to town with nemi..
Giyuu suggested

..I don't wanna go without u...
Mui said with puppy eyes

...*sigh* Let's go together ok...
Giyuu paused but mui thought it was the final answer and his eyes lit up with excitement

but.. not today..
Giyuu continued with a smile but mui's excitement died

Mui looked at giyuu again but with sad pleading puppy eyes

Mui pls..? For pa..
Giyuu brushed mui's hair with his hand

Mui gave in and turned to leave

U ready mui!
Tanjiro said as he looked at mui

Mui turned to giyuu one last time

Thank u mui see u later...
Giyuu kissed mui's cheek good bye

..see u later pa...
Mui hesitantly said and Left with sanemi and the others

Giyuu Went back to the chair and..

.. wake up..
Giyuu Said coldly and in an instant The two opened there eyes

The woman turned to giyuu

U!! What did u do to us!?
The woman said

Giyuu looked at them just •_•

Dear what happened
The woman said in Chinese as she thought giyuu couldn't understand what she was saying

.. A-niang ..I think it's best not to ask me-
The man was cut off

Oh pls it's not like he knows Wha-
The woman paused

Isn't it against your sect rule's to take behind others back?
Giyuu said in Chinese

U!-.. how do u..
Mei paused again as she saw the resemblance of Giyuu and his mother when they were practicing and just playing around

U..u really are her son..huh
The woman smiled..

Giyuu looked at her with no emotion

So.. where is  your mother Hua-jing?
The woman smiled more widely

Y-yeah.. where is she?
The man said in excitement awaiting Giyuu's answer

..6 feet under..
Giyuu looked down..

The woman's smile faded

That can't be!.. right!..a-niang..?
The man turned to his mother

The woman said with a pale face

.. unknown illness..I don't know when..I was just months old..
Giyuu griped his yukata

...I see..
The woman looked at giyuu again..

U look and.. almost act like her..
The woman said

What do you mean?
Giyuu looked back

Hmm..Blue eyes Hair as black as it could.. Beautiful pale white skin and a slim yet beautiful figure and most of all fast reaction and movements and calm when fighting
The woman said as she remembered how quick she would lose if Giyuu's mother wanted to save time so she would just knock her out straight

... thank u..
Giyuu gave his softest expression

But..I think u sometimes act and almost mimic your father's attitude and personality.
The woman chuckled

Yes..Yes he does..
Muzan walked by giyuu's side

Hmm We meet again Kibutsuji..
The woman looked at Muzan coldly

Why I did say "If the moon shines at night and the Sea's waves never rest..we will still meet again" isn't that right.. Mei
Muzan grinned pls Kibutsuji.. haven't changed a bit huh..
Mei scoffed as she rolled her eyes

And u haven't either..
Muzan grinned wider

Ohhh-I didn't notice!!
Mei started to get annoyed

Oh wait u actually did change!..only thing is that as u became dumber!
Muzan smiled like a maniac and looked down at Mei

Tch!.., good thing your son didn't get your bitch asshole like attitude
Mei smiled

Oh-ok enough were clearly wasting time
Giyuu stated

Good point.. maybe u should go too your a waste of oxygen!
Mei grinned

Wow amnesia too!! I don't even need to breath I'm a fucking demon I don't need oxygen..tch dum bitch..
Muzan rolled his eyes

Hmph.. Bet even Satan's A fan of u
Mei spat out

Oh for fuck's sake will u too shut up!?
Giyuu now annoyed at the so called "adults"

Even his mothers mouth when mad or annoyed..
Mei smiled

Muzan looked at her like ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ

...ok now..why we're u two Even here
Giyuu just went straight to the point

.. Someone hired us to kidnap u in exchange for the whereabouts of your mother and u..
Mei looked at giyuu

Hm.. what did they look like..
Giyuu asked

It was by letter..we didn't know what or who they were..
Mei responded

Why did u guys believe it?
Giyuu asked again

We-..we were desperate and they had "proof"
Mei answered

Hm..ok..wel-"CRASH" 'glassbreaks'


I have nothing to say so see you guys in the next chapter bye

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