1: Henry+Alex⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "You came. You Called"


•Warnings: SA

•Inspiration: I actually don't know.

•Type: angst. Like very much so.

A/N: I hope, hope, hope, you like this. Also, sorry. Oh, and I'm not british so I don't know british slang. Also this is before the emails were leaked.

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Alex tries to steady his vision as he walks out of the elevator, but everything is spinning. The lights seem to be blinking at him as he walks. His arm is draped over someone's shoulder. He feels himself be pushed against a wall as someone digs into his pocket. He looks down just as the person pulls his hotel room key card from his pants. Alex looks up and sees a blurry face with light brown hair. He doesn't recognize the person-who he concludes is a man.

The door opens suddenly and he is pushed in. Alex backs away from the man but fails to escape him. He is shoved onto the bed, his eyes shutting almost out of instinct. He feels a weight on top of him.

"Get off," Alex slurs out, trying to push the man off of him.

The guy grabs his arms and crosses his wrists, pinning them against the bed with one strong hand. Alex whimpers at the pain and struggles against the grip.

+ + + + +

Alex's eyes drift in and out of focus on the ceiling as he hears the door shut. He slowly rolls onto his side, reaching off of the bed to grab his pants. He winces slightly at the movement as he fishes his phone from the pocket. The screen is really blurry as he taps on it. His head is still spinning as he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Henry is in a hotel in Boston, on royal duties. Bake off is playing on his television when his phone begins to ring. He turns to look at the screen, smiling when seeing 'sweetheart' on it. He answers the call, puts it on speaker, and lays his phone on his chest.

"Alex," Henry greets with a soft smile, "why are you awake?"

"Hi, Henny," Alex says with a quiet, slurred, voice.

"Alex, are you okay?" Henry has never heard his boyfriend this drunk-and he's seen him very drunk.

"I'm fbine," Alex's voice grows even quieter, concerning Henry immensely.

"Alex, are you drunk?"

"No! I havjebd eben habe any dinks," Alex slurs. [No! I haven't even had any drinks]

"Sweetheart, did you do any drugs?" Henry questions as he gets off his bed.

"No, neva!" Alex responds. [No, never!]

"Okay, did you hang out with anyone?"

"Yeah! Oh my god! thisif realyyv nice guy." [Yeah! Oh my god! This really nice guy]

Henry tries to ignore his spiraling thoughts, "okay, and did he give you anything?"

"No," Alex looks around, "whervbfd my pants go? Oh! there theyh are." [No. Where'd my pants go? Oh! There they are.]

Henry types feverishly on his phone, sending a message to Nora.

HRH: Hey, please tell me you're awake.


N: Yeah, doing some work, why?

HRH: Alex needs you. I'm going to try to get there, but I don't want him alone.

N: Okay. What's going on, Henry?

HRH: I'm not sure. He's slurring his words. Where the hell is the secret service?

N: Alex planned to shake them off. He needed alone time. Amy didn't come with us for the trip.

HRH: just get to him. Please.

"Alex, honey, I'm going to come early, okay? Nora's on her way to you now. I'll be there as soon as I can," Henry says.

"Okay," Alex says softly.

"I love you," Henry says.

"I love you," Alex repeats quietly.

Henry reluctantly ends the call and rushes from the room. He slams his fist against Shaan's hotel room door. The man opens the door grumpily.

"Your Royal Highness, it is one o'clock in the morning. What could possibly be so urgent?"

"I need you to get me on a plan to New York. Right now," Henry says desperately.

"I believe we are supposed to go there in seven hours. Can't it wait?"

"No, Shaan. No, it actually can't," Henry says, "something has happened to Alex."

Proving that the man actually cares, he nods. Henry sees him take out his phone and begin typing on it. Henry rushes back to his own room and packs his things. Just as his bag is packed, Shaan walks into the room. Henry is only wearing a pair of sweatpants-designer-and a hoodie, but he doesn't care. The two walk out the back entrance of the hotel and into an awaiting car.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Well, this is part 1.

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