17: Alex+Henry👶🏻

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•Title: "A Little Confession"


•Warnings: age regression, slight talk of self-harm

•Inspiration: Idrk. I just wanted to write an agere one shot for these two.

•Type: age regression

A/N: Age regression is NOT sexual. It is a coping mechanism used by many people. Alex is a little in this. I will translate what Alex says if I think it's needed.

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Alex and Henry are visiting the White House for a week before going to visit with Bea. They're in the living room of the residence, a movie playing on the television. Henry is leaning back against the couch on one end. Alex is laying on his sides, his knees bent, and his head on Henry's lap. The prince is gently stroking the first son's hair, knowing Alex has anxiety over the finals he took before the visit.

Alex can feel it beginning to happen. His head is beginning to feel lighter. The thoughts that were swirling in his mind are no longer there.

Now, a new anxiety has set in. This is a normal feeling for Alex, one he feels when he is alone or with June/Nora. He never feels it when he's alone with Henry, though. He doesn't let himself. Sure, this means he's more stressed, but at least Henry doesn't have a reason to run-again.

Alex squirms on the couch, trying to get comfortable with this thought in his mind. He bites on the skin around his thumbnail to keep from sucking his thumb. Usually, he would just go to June, Nora-or his locked safe in the closet-and grab his pacifier. He can't, though. Not when Henry's here. He can't risk it.

His head's spinning around this new anxiety. He let's out a small, nearly inaudible, whimper before he can stop himself.

Please don't hear.

Please don't hear.

Please don't hear.

Please don't hear.

Please don't hear.



"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

Alex nods. He doesn't-he can't-trust himself to speak.

"No, you're not," Henry says simply.

"I am," Alex argues before he realizes.

Henry notices the difference in Alex's voice. The pitch is higher than usual.

"Alex, your voice sounds weird. What's wrong?"

Alex panics. He gets off of the couch and runs from the room. By the time he bursts into June's room, he has tears rushing down his face.

"What the he- Alex, buddy, what's wrong?" June's voice is gentle as she rushes to Alex.

His eyes are wider than usual. That's how she knows he's slipped into little space.

"Henwy knows," Alex says with a cry.

"Oh, 'Lex," June says as she hugs him, "did he say something mean?"

"No. I run befow he tood say anytin," Alex mumbles.

[No. I ran before he could say anything]

"So, you just left him?" June questions softly as he leads Alex to sit on the bed.

"I din know wha to do."

[I didn't know what to do]

"Oh, Alex," June says with a sigh, "don't you think it's time to tell Henry?"

"I done wan he to leaf," Alex says as he slips his thumb into his mouth.

[I don't want him to leave]

June walks to her desk and pulls open the bottom drawer, grabbing one of Alex's pacifiers. She walks back to the bed and replaces Alex's thumb with it.

"Buddy, I don't think he's going to leave you over this," June says softly.

Alex takes a deep breath around the pacifier, "tan you teh him?"

[Can you tell him?]

"Yeah, I can tell him," June takes out her phone and loads a cartoon, handing it to her younger brother.

She leaves her room and finds Henry rushing around the residence towards Alex's room.

"June, have you seen Alex?" Henry asks worriedly.

"I have. Can we talk? He wants you to know something. He wants me to tell you," June responds.

Henry nods and follows her into Alex's room, "is he okay?"

"He told you about what he did to cope with the stress of mom and dad being politicians, right?"

"Yeah," Henry responds before his concern worsens, "did he relapse?"

"No, don't worry," she responds quickly. She takes a deep breath before pulling the prince to sit down on the couch, "when we found out, Nora and I encouraged him to find a different-less harmful-way to cope. We spent a long time researching-nearly a week-before we found it."

"Found what?"

"It's called age regression. Some people with this coping mechanism are referred to as littles. Their minds, usually in states of stress, regresses to one of a different age. Depending on the age, they might need assistance with talking, eating, and sometimes even getting around."

"Okay," Henry says as he processes this information, "are you saying that Alex is what you called a little?"

"Yeah," June responds softly, "his mind regresses to the mind of a four or so year old. He really likes pacifiers, though. They soothe him."

"Is he-you know-now?"

"He is. He's in my room watching a cartoon on my phone. Do you want to meet little Alex?"

"Yeah, if he's comfortable with it," Henry responds.

June smiles and leads Henry down the hall and to her room. She knocks on the door before walking in. Alex is focusing on her phone, giggling occasionally. Henry sees him and smiles softly.

"Alex, buddy," June starts as she walks over and grabs the phone, the little letting out a small whine, "someone wants to see you."

Alex looks past June and gasps, hiding his face in his hands.

"Hey, darling," Henry says gently as he moves to sit next to Alex on the bed. He places a careful hand on Alex' leg, "can I see your face?"

Alex reluctantly moves his hands down. Henry smiles at him as he grasps the little's hands in his own.

"Hi," Alex says around the pacifier.

"Hi," Henry says with a soft chuckle, "want to go in your room with me and watch a movie?"

Alex looks towards June, "tan I has dooce?"

[Can I have juice?]

June nods and goes to her closet and grabs a sippy cup. She walks to her miniature fridge and grabs a small bottle of apple juice. She pours half of the juice into the cup before grabbing a bottle of water. She fills the rest of the sippy cup with water. She spins the top to tighten it and hands it to Henry. She then hands the bottles to him.

"He can have the rest of the juice after, but then it's water only. It's too late for too much sugar," June tells the prince.

"Noted," Henry says as he holds his hand out to Alex.

The little grabs his hand, waves goodbye to June, and walks with Henry towards his own room. Once inside, Henry gets Finding Nemo-Alex's request-onto the television. He sits on the couch and lets Alex sit on his lap. The prince places the bottles on the coffee table before handing Alex the cup.

"Tank oo."

[Thank You]

"You're welcome," Henry says with a smile as he tickles the little's sides. Alex lets out a high-pitched giggle before snuggling into Henry's comfortable embrace.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: I love this.

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