2: Henry+Alex⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "You came. You Called Part 2"


•Warnings: SA

•Inspiration: I actually don't know.

•Type: angst. Like very much so.

A/N: I hope, hope, hope, you like this. Also, sorry. Oh, and I'm not british so I don't know british slang. Also this is before the emails were leaked.

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Shaan leads Henry-who is now wearing his hood over his head-through the empty hotel halls. They reach the hotel room-Nora having sent them the room number. Henry knocks anxiously on the door. Nora opens it, her facial expression worrying him more. She pulls Henry into the room before turning to Shaan.

"He has requested you don't come in, Shaan," she shuts the door before any response can be said.

Nora turns to Henry as the prince pulls the hood down. He looks around, not seeing the bed, yet.

"How bad is it?" Henry asks nervously.

"Henry," Nora starts, "someone roofied him, I think. When I got here, he wasn't wearing anything. His clothes are on the floor. The shirt's ripped and buttons are all over the floor."

"Nora, was he-"

"I don't know. All I know is I tried to touch him and he shoved me. Hard."

"Can I see him?" Henry asks softly.

"Yeah. He's been asking for you for the past twenty minutes," Nora gestures for him to follow.

Henry follows Nora around a wall and sees Alex clutching a pillow, "hey, sweetheart."

Alex looks up and smiles brightly, now sober, when seeing him, "Henry."

Henry swallows past the lump in his throat, "hi, love."

Nora clears her throat, "I'm going to go give Shaan some company outside the room," she leans to Henry, "try to figure out if he needs to get a kit done."

"A kit?" Henry whispers.

"A rape kit," she responds softly before leaving.

"Hey, Alex, are you alright if I sit with you on the bed?"

Alex nods as he pulls himself to a sitting position. Henry doesn't dare question the small yelp of pain Alex lets out. He doesn't need to, though. The cause is pretty clear. Henry sits on the edge of the bed slowly. Alex moves and hugs Henry tightly. Henry hugs him back, sighing softly. Alex begins to cry, his tears darkening Henry's hoodie-not that the prince cares. He just holds Alex tightly, tears slipping from his own eyes.

+ + + + +

They had a doctor come to the hotel to perform the rape kit. Given Alex's identity, the hospital went against it's usual policies. Now, Alex is dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of Henry's hoodies. He's sitting on Henry's lap with his head against the prince's shoulder. Nora is moving around the hotel room quickly, packing Alex's things. Shaan contacted Zahra at Alex's request and now they're waiting for notification that the plane is ready. Alex hasn't spoken much since Henry arrived and not at all since the doctor left. Alex jumps loudly, clinging to Henry when Shaan opens the door.

"It's time to leave," he says softly.

Nora throws on a hoodie, pulling the hood over her head. Alex pulls his own hood up as Henry does the same. Neither one of the men seem to care about the risk as they leave the hotel room holding hands. Nora slides into the car first, scooting to the opposite side. Henry slides in next. When Alex gets in, he practically sits on Henry's lap. Shaan gets in the passenger seat and the car begins to move. Within only twenty minutes-there is thankfully less traffic now that it's three in the morning.

They pull up to the air strip to see Zahra standing outside the awaiting plane. Nora gets out and walks around the car. She helps Alex out, who starts to freak out when one man on the security team grabs his arm gently. Henry is quick to climb out of the car and pull Alex into his chest, away from the man. The agent mumbles a frantic apology before leading Nora, Henry-who is now carrying Alex-and Shaan towards the plane.

Shaan walks to Zahra, who is watching Alex with teary eyes, and pulls her into a hug.

"I know, I know," he whispers before pulling away.

Nobody questions the behavior of the two, everyone more focused on Alex. Henry struggles to carry Alex up the steps, but he manages. He gets into a seat and lets Alex bury his face in the crook of his neck. Henry wraps his arms tightly around Alex. He smiles sadly when he hears soft, nearly inaudible snores coming from Alex.

"He's asleep," Henry says softly to the other three.

"His parents and June know," Zahra says softly.

"I sent word to your mum, Henry. She knows that your return date might be later. If anything needs to be done by you before then, we'll figure it out," Shaan adds.

"Thank you, Shaan," Henry says.

"We need to update the security agents on ways to help him the best we can. I saw him freak out before we boarded. Is he letting anyone other than you touch him?" Zahra asks.

"No, not even Nora, really," Henry says, his voice breaking just slightly.

"Okay," Zahra says before typing on her phone furiously, "it will be put into policy that if anything happens, they must locate you."

"Okay, thank you," Henry responds.

+ + + + +

"Oh, baby," Ellen says when she walks towards her son, who is standing next to Henry.

Alex instinctively backs away, moving behind Henry slightly-enough to stop Ellen in her tracks. The mother-and president-gives Henry a concerned glance. Henry turns slightly and pulls Alex into his chest, finding it's the only thing that can calm him.

"Okay," Oscar starts calmly as his ex wife backs away from their son, "how was the flight?"

"He slept for all of it," Henry says softly as Alex pulls himself from the prince's embrace.

"Good, that's good," Oscar says.

Ellen is about to speak when a door slams down the hall followed by loud and quick footsteps. Alex jumps and hides behind Henry again as he clings to his arm. Soon, June comes into their view, Henry letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's just your sister," Henry says gently.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Alex. I wasn't thinking," June responds, watching her baby brother sadly.

"I-it's fine," Alex says softly.

"Why don't the two of you head to Alex's room for some rest?" Ellen suggests, "Henry, if you need anything, feel free to yell for us. We will have agents stationed on the floor."

"Thank you, Madam President," Henry says with a kind smile-much different than his usual, royal, smile. This one's genuine.

"Please, when it's just us, call me Ellen," she responds with a chuckle.

"You can call me Oscar, by the way," Oscar adds.

"I'm still June," Henry can't help but laugh at her statement.

"Good to know," Henry responds. He sends a final smile towards the three of them before he leads Alex towards his room.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: This prompt got away from me, lol. I didn't really know where to take it next, so I'll leave it at this. I hope you enjoyed!

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