8: Henry+Alex⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "Break"


•Warnings: mental illness, psychotic break, etc.

•Inspiration: I'm watching a movie called "A Nice Quiet Life"

•Type: angst

A/N: In this, Alex has a mental illness. I never specify the actual diagnosis, but it's one that causes a form of psychosis.

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"Alex, it's time to take your meds," Ellen says as she walks in holding a small pill in one hand and a paper cup of water.

Alex nods and puts the pill in his mouth. He moves it inside with his tough until it's underneath the muscle. He takes a sip of water and swallows it. He opens his mouth to show his empty mouth. He lifts his tongue, discreetly moving the pill to the roof of his mouth.

"Good job, darlin'" Ellen says with a proud smile.

Alex smiles back to her, "oh, by the way, Henry is coming tomorrow and will leave in about ten days, two days after Thanksgiving."

"That's great!" Ellen exclaims as she looks at her phone, Alex taking the pill from his mouth and slipping it in his pocket, "I'll notify the chefs."

"About the turkeys," Alex starts.

Ellen sighs, "they're not staying in your room again, Alex."

"I promise, nothing will happen," Alex says softly.

Ellen cups her son's face with a gentle hand, "last time didn't end well. I was woken by Zahra after Shaan called him. You swore they were plotting to assassinate me. You called henry in a panic."

"Mom, that was three years ago!" Alex exclaims, "I'm better now!"

"Alex, they'll stay in guest quarters. I know you don't want them in a luxury suite."

"Fine," Alex says.

Ellen places a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving the room. A few seconds later, Alex hears a buzzing. Like a swarm of bees. Or radio static. That's it.

They're listening.

They can hear me.

They're monitoring my thoughts.

Alex covers his ears. If he can't hear the buzzing, they can't hear his thoughts.

+ + + + +

Henry watches as Alex sits at the desk. The first son is working on something seemingly important. Henry has asked what it is numerous times, but Alex just tells him it's confidential. It's not long before Oscar, who is staying at the White house for the holiday week, walks in with Alex's pill.

"Mijo, it's time for your medicine," Oscar says softly.

"I can't right now, dad."

"Alex, you need to take it at the same time every day."

"I'm busy," Alex responds, causing Henry to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Alex, now," Oscar says in a more stern tone.

Alex groans loudly, throws his pencil down on the desk, and stands. He does the same thing he did with Ellen. He waits until Henry is back to reading his book before he pockets the pill. Once he does, he returns to sitting at the desk, looking over his papers.

+ + + + +

Alex stands next to His sister as his mom pardons the turkeys, giving her speech. June is mouthing the words of the speech discreetly, having written most of it for the president. Alex's eyes are locked with one of the reporters in front of the steps.

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