29) Henry+Alex

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•Title: "Theories"


•Warnings: none, really, other than anxiety/abandonment issues

•Inspiration: I don't know

•Type: fluff/angst

A/N: Just for clarification, this is NOT a continuation of one shot 28. This is it's own story. In this, Henry is very much alive because I don't want him dead in this plot. Make sense?

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Is First Son, Alexander Claremont-Diaz, really fit to be a member of the Royal Family?

Will Prince Henry propose to 'boyfriend', Alexander Claremont-Diaz?

Months after their relationship went public, what's next for Prince Henry and the First Son?

'History, Huh?' Will Alex Claremont-Diaz and Prince Henry have the first queer royal wedding?

"Why are they talking about marriage?" Alex says as he paces, tossing the stack of magazines-that he and Henry are on the cover of-across the room, "we've only been dating for less than a year!"

"Alex, breathe," Nora says while June watches in silence, texting on her phone.

"He is literally on his way here, Nora! Do you not remember him running from me when I tried to say I loved him? He ran. He literally fled the country! What the fuck is he going to do when he sees these!?"

"Alex, he fled because he didn't want to love you. He didn't want to get attached. Now, you guys are out to the public. He won't flee," June says, not looking up from her phone.

+ + + + +

J: Hey, so Alex is like freaking out.

H: What do you mean?

J: Remember how you sent me the heads up about the magazines?

H: Yes.

J: He saw them.

H: Does he have commitment issues I should know about?

J: LMAO, no. His issues are abandonment issues. You know, from when you hopped on a plane-but not to LAX?

H: He thinks I'm going to run?

J: Duh.

H: The plane just landed. I'll be there in just a few minutes, depending on DC traffic. How bad is he?

J: Pacing. Has been for ten minutes. I can tell he's in pain. He's limping but pretending not to be.

H: Okay, I'm in the car now. Will be there as soon as possible.

+ + + + +

"Nora, do you have this?" June whispers.

"Yeah, he almost here?" Nora responds quietly.

"Yeah. I'm going to wait for him at the side entrance, get him up here as soon as he arrives."

Nora nods and June leaves the room. Alex is too far into his spiral to even notice his sister leave. He just keeps pacing. Every step feels like knives going into his feet. He doesn't even hear the door open. He feels arms wrap around him, keeping him in place.

"I saw the magazines, darling. I'm not running. I'm here, okay? I just need you to take a break," Henry's voice comes through his ears.

Alex spins to face Henry, hugging him. He looks over the prince's shoulder and sees that Nora left the room, leaving just them standing there.

"You're not freaked?"

Henry pulls away slightly to hold onto Alex's shoulders, "Alex, I am so sorry for what I did in Texas. That hurt you and I will always regret that. I'm here, now, though. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Alex smiles and leans forward, his forehead pressing against Henry's chest.

"I love you," Alex says softly.

"And I love you," Henry responds, placing a kiss upon Alex's temple.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: This is really short, so I hope you enjoyed. In my opinion, I came back from oneshot 28 pretty easily.

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