30: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Royal secret"


•Warnings: abuse, homophobia, hopefully an inaccurate representation of the royal family

•Inspiration: I don't know, actually, but that's normal.

•Type: angst

A/N: Okay, so I hope you enjoy this! Also, happy 30th One Shot!!!

(Also, this is NOT a continuation of the previous one shot. Just wanted to clarify that.)

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Prince Henry: A player or a Liar?

Why is the prince unable to keep a relationship going?

Different woman every week: should we be concerned about His Royal Highness, Prince Henry?

People all over the world speculate on why the prince can't seem to have a long-lasting relationship. Is he gay?

Alex sighs as he holds his phone to his ear. Henry hasn't answered any of his calls all day, so he's calling Bea.

"Alex, hello," Bea's voice comes through the phone.

"Bea, hey. Henry was supposed to be here like three hours ago. Is he still there?"

"Yeah," Bea responds, "he has to do damage control."

"Oh. So, he's safe?'

"Yes, Alex, he's safe," Bea responds.

"Tell him to answer my calls, next time."

"Will do."

+ + + + +

Bea knocks before walking into the prince's bedroom. The room is dark, the curtains closed and blocking all outside light.

"Hen?" Bea says softly as she approaches her brother, "Hen, Alex called me. I didn't tell him the full truth, but I told him you wouldn't be coming."

"Thanks," the prince says with a hoarse voice.

"Hen, are you okay?" Bea asks as she turns on her brother's bedside lamp.

When the light shines on him, she lets out a gasp. A bruise is forming on his cheekbone and his lip is swollen with a cut on it.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just want to see Alex," Henry says softly.

"Okay, how about I call him? I can facetime him and if anyone asks, I can say that he called me and ignoring his call would worsen the situation," Bea suggests.

"Bea, he can't see me like this," Henry responds immediately, gesturing towards his face.

"Well, lucky for us, make up exists."

Henry sits up and lets his sister gently apply make up to his face. She is unable to cover the split in his lip, so he plans to just show the other side of his face. Once he is ready, she helps him to his desk. She runs out of the room before returning with her laptop.

"See, I told you it would be a good thing that they don't know I'm friends with him," Bea says as she sets the laptop on the desk.

She quickly calls Alex.

"Bea, is he ok-Henry!" Alex says the second the facetime call connects.

"H-hey," Henry says with a soft chuckle, his hand in front of his mouth.

"Henry, are you okay?"

"I-I'm sorry that I didn't answer your calls," Henry says.

"Henry, all I care about is that you're okay. Are you?" Alex responds.

"I-I'm handling it," Henry responds, looking down as he moves his hand.

"Hey, the second you can, come here, okay? I've tried getting permission to come to you, but they won't let me."

Henry nods as he looks back up at the laptop, his hand back in front of his face.

+ + + + +

It takes three weeks for Henry to be allowed out of the palace. The first chance he gets, he sneaks away to the airport. He flies on a regular commercial plane. He is wearing baggie clothes and a lot of make-up. The only person who knows where he is Bea.

When Alex's phone rings, he quickly answers it when seeing the princess's name.

"Hey, Bea, is Henry okay?"

"Yes, Alex, he's okay," Bea says cautiously, thinking each word over carefully, "he's on his way to you, actually."

"He's what!?"

"He snuck out of the country," Bea responds, "he should be arriving at the local airport in an hour."

"Send me his flight information," Alex says before the call ends.

The first son rushes from his room and towards Zahra's office.

"Alex, what have I told you ab- what's wrong?"

"It's Henry," Alex starts, "he's on his way. I need a security team to come with me to pick him up at the airport. Don't ask why, but he doesn't have his security."

Zahra nods and immediately puts together a team, contacting Shaan to let him know Henry is safe.

+ + + + +

Alex is bouncing on the balls of his feet nervously. He has a baseball cap on with his hood pulled up and a pair of sunglasses.

Amy and Cash are with him, both also in disguises. Alex can see Henry walking towards them. The first son rushes forward and envelopes Henry in a hug. The prince hugs back tightly and buries his face in Alex's shoulder. After a long moment, they pull away from one another. Alex leads the prince out of the airport and to the awaiting car with Cash and Amy.

The two security guards share a saddened look. They know something is going on, but they choose to remain silent.

+ + + + +

"So," Alex says as he and Henry sit on the couch in his bedroom, "when are you going to explain?"

"Explain what?" Henry questions.

"Do you really think I don't see your split lip? I'm assuming the make up on your face is hiding more bruises. Not to mention the bruising on your wrists."

"It's nothing, Alex," Henry responded.

"Okay, if it's nothing, tell me who hurt you," Alex responds.

"Alex," Henry warns.

"Henry, you were locked up in the palace for weeks and when I finally see you again, you've got bruises. Please tell me that my mind isn't jumping to the right conclusion here," Alex says.

Henry looks up at Alex, "I came out to Philip."

Alex takes a deep breath, "and?"

"He thought that if I associated enough pain with being gay, I would be straight," Henry says softly.

"Oh my God," Alex says in disbelief, "Henry, what did he do?"

"Just hit me every day," Henry says.

"Don't minimize it, Henry. He absued you for weeks. Let yourself feel that. Please don't ignore it," Alex says as he moves closer.

"I can't, Alex. If I feel it, it'll never stop," Henry says softly, tears forming in his eyes.

"It won't stop anyways, Henry. Ignoring it won't make it not exist. It just neglects your mental wellbeing. Please, you're safe to feel with me."

Henry leans against his boyfriend, turning so that his face is buried in the crook of Alex's neck. He lets out a sob as the first son holds him, gently rubbing his back.

"Let it out, Hen. I've got you. You're safe here with me."

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed. Sorry if it's choppy. I had a tutoring session but the student didn't show. Still made $20, though.

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