7: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Away"

•Requester: Urfavvavaqzk

•Warnings: anxiety

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: angsty

A/N: I switched Bea to June because I feel like it fits better.

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"Alex, he's just going to England for one week," June says as she sits on the couch in Alex and Henry's home in New York City.

"We haven't been so far apart since the elections, June," Alex says softly, a pout on his lips.

Henry walks into the room with his suitcase in his hand. Alex stands and walks to the prince, resting his forehead against Henry's shoulder.

"I'll see you in one week, sweetheart," Henry says before kissing his boyfriend gently.

Alex watches as Henry leaves the home and walking to the car with Shaan. The first son walks over to the couch and falls onto it with a sad sigh. He lays his head on his sister's lap. June sighs sadly at her brother as she runs her fingers through his curly hair.

+ + + + +

Two days into the trip

Alex grumbles as he walks into the kitchen. June is sitting at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee in her hand. She sips it quietly as she watches Alex pour himself a cup. He turns and sees the concern evident on his sister's face.


"Are you alright?" June asks.

"Yeah, 'm fine," Alex responds before walking back to his room.

Alex sits at the desk in the room and sorts through papers. After all of the drama with Richards, Alex deferred his final semester until things calmed down. Now, he's back in school and planning to graduate in a few months. He is brought out of his studying trance when he hears a melodious ringing from the laptop sitting on the desk in front of him. Smiling when seeing the contact picture, Alex moves the cursor to answer. Just seconds later, his computer screen is filled with Henry's smiling face.

"Hello, darling," Henry says softly.

"Hey, baby," Alex says with a smile.

"How'd you sleep?" Henry asks.

Alex's genuine smile turns to a tight, fake, smile, "I slept fine. What about you?"

"I slept alright. Missed having you with me in the bed, though," Henry responds.

"yeah, I know how you feel."

+ + + + +

Four days into the trip

June knocks on the bedroom door before creaking it open. She walks in, a glass of water in her hand. She sees Alex in the bed and moves to the side of the bed and squats down to be eye level with her brother.

"Hey, Alex," she says softly as she places the water on the nightstand.

Alex pulls the blanket down and opens his eyes, "what?"

"It's well into the evening, Alex. You haven't left your bed all day," June says softly.

"I have!"

"Getting up once to go to the bathroom this morning doesn't count," June responds before sighing, "are you off your meds?"

"No, June. jesus. Everytime I'm upset it doesn't mean I'm off my meds," Alex says, ending the conversation by rolling over.

"You're right. I know, but I'm just concerned. You haven't been this bad since-"

Alex rolls over quickly, "don't say it. You know not to say that name."

June sighs and moves to sit on the bed, "okay, I won't say the name, but Alex, you're not doing okay."

"June, I'm fine."

"Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz, you can't actually expect me to believe that."

Alex groans, "I will be fine," he says, "in three days."

June nods, "okay," she says as she stands. She places a gentle kiss on her little brother's forehead.

"Just don't worry, okay?"

June nods before leaving the room, keeping the door slightly ajar. She walks down the hall and into the guest room. She walks to the bed and jumps onto it, opening her laptop. She nervously clicks the icon of the application. Once it loads, she searches for the contact and clicks the video call button. She listens anxiously as it rings.

"June, hey," Henry's voice comes through the laptop.

"Hey, Henry. I'm sorry to call so late," June says, well aware it's nearly midnight in England.

"What's wrong?" Henry questions, noticing the nearly unnoticable tremor in June's voice.

"It's Alex," June says softly.

"What about Alex?" Henry sits up straighter.

"He hasn't left his bed since this morning. It's been nearly twelve hours," June says with a soft sigh.

"What do you mean? Is he sick?"

"In a way, yes. When his anxiety gets really bad, it causes him to distance himself from the world," June responds, "that's what happened after you know who leaked the you know whats."

Henry sighs and runs a hand down his face, "how serious is this, June?"

June lets out a sigh, "It's really serious. It can get dangerous."

"Dangerous? How?" Henry asks worriedly.

"He hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday, has only showered once since you left. He's still talking, but not much. I'm worried, Henry."

Henry can be seen talking to someone out of the frame. His microphone is muted, so June has no idea what's being said. She nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears Henry's voice again.

"Shaan is getting a plane ready. I should be there in about eight and a half hours," Henry says.

June lets out a relieved sigh, "thank you."

"Just keep an eye on him until I'm home, okay?"

"I will."

+ + + + +

June swings the door open as she sees the prince walk up the steps. Henry hugs her in a greeting before placing his things down. He walks briskly towards the bedroom, sighing when he opens the door. It's now two in the morning, but Alex is still awake. He turns over in the bed, preparing to yell at June. His frustrated words, however, are caught in his throat. Standing before him, wearing a concerned expression through his body, is Henry.

"Hey," Henry says as he slides into the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asks.

"June called me. I got an early flight. Bea's covering for me in the last meeting, and I'm just doing the rest from here."

Alex sits up, wincing as he uses the muscles that haven't been used much lately. Henry leans over and places a kiss on Alex's bicep. Alex moves so that his head is on Henry's shoulder. The prince moves his arm so that he can hold him.

"Why weren't you honest with me when we spoke?" Henry asks softly.

"I just didn't want to worry you," Alex responds simply.

Henry sighs, "worrying about you is going to happen no matter what, Alex. I always want to know what's going on with you. good or bad."

Alex wants to argue but knows it would not end well for him. Instead, he just turns his face into the crook of Henry's neck and breathes in his scent. He falls asleep like that, in the prince's arms.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!

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