24: Henry+Alex

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•Title: "Interview"


•Warnings: Talk of them being outed.

•Inspiration: Idk. I just thought of this.

•Type: I actually don't know how to describe this one.

A/N: Okay, so literally the first interviewer I thought of was Jimmy Fallon.

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"They won our hearts individually and are unstoppable together. Please welcome, His Royal Highness, Prince Henry, and First son, Alex Claremont-Diaz!" Jimmy shouts as the couple walks onto the stage and to the couch next to the host's desk, "thank you guys for coming."

"Thanks for having us," Alex quickly responds, "it's great to be here."

"Now, you guys have only done a few interviews together, correct?" Jimmy asks.

"Yes, that's right. Our first was about two years ago, shortly after the Royal Wedding," Henry responds, "it was before we began dating, in fact."

"Ah, yes, '#cakegate'. What exactly happened there?"

"So, years ago, we had a bit of a bad run in. For personal reasons, Henry didn't want to be anywhere, and it was my first big event in the political world. So, after that, a feud kind of star-"

"A one-sided feud. You actively hated me. I only disliked you," Henry interrupts.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Alex responds adoringly, "anyways, neither one of us wanted to converse at the wedding."

"Alex however... Well, let's just say he was enjoying the elegant liquor selection. He and I were sharing our usual banter when he got cake on my outfit. In the chaos of trying to get it off, I shoved him away-into the table that held the cake." Henry finishes.

"Wow. So you guys went from enemies to a couple in, what? A few months?"

"Yeah, pretty much. We got together on New Year's day and ultimately stayed together since," Alex responds.

"I want to take this moment to say how sorry I am that you guys were forced to come out of the closet. I can't even imagine how difficult that was given your global and national standings. When you first got together, was coming out ever an option in your mind?"

"We wanted to in the future. Sneaking around definitely sucked, but it was for the best at that time. Our standings and status in our countries were definitely the main reason we weren't ready to come out."

"What were your first thoughts when you saw the picture in the hotel?" Jimmy asks.

"Anger," Alex says immediately.

"Disbelief," henry added, "the only reason I had gone to that event was because I knew Alex needed me."

"What did you feel when you realized that your private emails had been leaked?"

"Violated," both of them say.

"We never meant for anyone else to read those. We told one another things that nobody else knew. We had a large time difference and busy schedules, so emails were the most convenient form of communication for us when we couldn't see one another," Alex responds.

"And for people to be talking on social media about our emails was just disgusting. Especially what people would say about us. None of you were supposed to read those, so why read them?" Henry adds, "most articles labeled the emails as 'private' anyways."

"Alex, when you found out that it was Richards who leaked your emails and ultimately outed you, what did you think?"

"I think that increased both the sense of violation and the sense of anger. Finding out that doing this to me was just to try and win an election was infuriating. It gave me a new anxiety of possibly causing my mom to lose the election. It was definitely a rough few weeks."

Henry glances to Alex and remembers how heartbroken he sounded on the phone when they were finally allowed to communicate-thanks to Zahra threatening to withhold sex from Shaan. The prince places a hand on Alex's.

"Despite everything you've been through in the political world, Alex, are you still wanting to pursue a career within it?"

"I do, yes. This definitely encouraged me to go to Law School, first though. I don't want anyone else to go through what Henry and I had to go through, so if I can fix anything that allows that, I want to."

"Is your goal to follow in your mother's footsteps and be President one day?"

"I would love to be president, but I am also aware that if it doesn't happen, I can still make a huge impact."

"Henry, if the opportunity arose, would you be king?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I have spent so much of my life never wanting to be King because it wouldn't allow me to be myself. Now, though, I'm not sure if I'd abdicate or step up," the prince responds.

"You're currently running youth shelters for LGBTQIA+ individuals, correct?"

"Yes, I took them over from my good mate, Percy. It allows me to remain in the states as much as I can, and have an impact on the world. I think that if I had a place like these shelters growing up, I would have accepted myself a lot sooner," Henry responds.

"It sounds like you guys are the next celebrity power couple," Jimmy says with a chuckle.

Henry and Alex both laugh.

"What do you think is something that the world should know about one another?"

"Henry is more than a prince. He isn't just someone you read aboyt in magazines. He's a real human being with the biggest heart. He gives so much of himself to others who need help. He truly is amazing and I wish I knew this years ago," Alex says.

Blushing, Henry begins to speak, "Alex is just... the hardest worker I have ever met. When he starts something, he won't stop until it's done. He forgets to eat sometimes because he is just so focused. Believe me, no matter what he chooses to do-a lawyer or a politician-he will be amazing at it. He cares."

+ + + + +

When the couple gets back to their home, they're exhausted. They had gone to the show after a long day of school and working, so their minds and bodies were worn down.

"You okay?" Henry asks as they lay in their bed.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, because you just deflected, and because everything with the emails was brought up. You and I haven't exactly talked about them since," Henry responds.

"I don't really remember that day. I remember being rushed from room to room, signing more papers than I could count, and breaking down in my family's arms afterwards."

"You never told me you did that," Henry says softly.

"It never came up. Besides, coming out was a bigger deal for you. I was ready."

"Being ready and being outed are two very different things, Alex."

"I'm alright now, Hen. That's all that matters. I have you and we got through it as a team," Alex responds with a yawn.

They fall into a peaceful silence before they both drift off to sleep, their bodies tangled together.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Okay, so I wrote this at 1 am in like 10 minutes. Also, I included a lot of things from the book because it's better, especially when they're outed. I hope you enjoyed.

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