21: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Miguel"


•Warnings: blackmail, non consensual pics/videos discussed

•Inspiration: I actually don't know. I'm dark

•Type: angst

A/N: I hope you enjoy this shitstorm of a one shot. June isn't in this one, sorry.

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Confetti is swirling in the air all over the room. Oscar, Leo, and Ellen are all celebrating with everyone. Nora is hugging Percy while Henry hugs Alex. Suddenly, the first son feels a hand tap him on the back. He pulls away from henry and turns to see Miguel standing there.

"Alex, can I have a word?"

"No comment, Miguel," Alex says dryly.

"Oh, but I really need to talk to you. Off the record, of course."

Alex sighs and nods, pulling Miguel down the hall and into an empty room. He turns to the reporter with his arms crossed.

"I just wanted to say how happy I am that the country forgave you for sleeping with the prince," Miguel says.

"Yeah, no thanks to you," Alex says.

"I wonder," Miguel starts, "what would happen to your dream career in politics if they found out about us?"

Alex chuckles, "you seriously want to tell them? Don't you think it will diminish your career when news breaks that you were sleeping with your source?"

"Oh, but what about when they hear how you begged me?" Miguel questions, causing Alex's expression to quickly grow serious.

"What do you mean 'hear'?" Alex questions.

Miguel chuckles and pulls a flash drive out of his pocket, "this is what I mean."

"You took a fucking video!?"

"Well, and pictures," Miguel smirks.

Alex runs a hand through his distressed hair, "I can't believe this."

"So, what do you say about ending your international scandalous relationship?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? You seriously think I'd end my relationship?"

"If you don't want these to get out like your emails did," Miguel says simply. Alex rolls his eyes and begins to leave the room before Miguel speaks again, "you have seventy two hours."

Alex slams the door shut only to fins Henry walking towards the room, "hey."

"Are you okay?" Henry asks.

"Yeah," Alex says before taking a deep breath, "actually, no."

Henry nods and pulls Alex to the room that Ellen rented for the two of them, shutting the door behind them, "okay, talk to me."

"Okay, so you should probably know that before you and I got together-and I mean a while before-I hooked up a couple times with Miguel, the Politico reporter. We never went all of the way, though," Alex says softly.

"Uhm, okay," Henry starts, "is that all?"

"No," Alex says softly, "actually, I guess he took a video and some pictures."

"He did what?" Henry says, his tone growing protective.

"Yeah, and if I don't break things off with you, ultimately breaking my own heart in the process, he'll release them," Alex says, his voice beginning to shake.

Seeing how worked up Alex is getting, Henry pulls him closer in a hug and places a soft kiss on his cheek. Alex begins to cry into the prince's shoulder.

"We'll tell your mum, alright?"

Alex nods as he begins to calm down, handing Henry his phone. The prince quickly types a message to the newly re-elected president and sending it. Minutes later, Ellen knocks on the door and the prince leaves where he is sitting next to Alex on the bed to let her in.

"What did Miguel Ramos do this time?" Ellen questions in a frustrated tone, feeling like the reporter is like a pebble in her shoe.

"He's blackmailing Alex," Henry says, a sense of anger in his voice.

"Wha-with what?"

"We hooked up a couple times and he somehow managed to film it and take pictures," Alex says softly.

"And what does he want from you in order to get rid of these?" Ellen asks.

Henry looks at Alex, who starts crying again silently. The prince turns to the president, "Miguel wants Alex to break up with me."

"That infuriating little troll," Ellen mutters before kneeling in front of Alex, "sweetheart, don't worry. I'll take care of it. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks, mom," Alex says as he hugs his mother tightly.

"Of course, baby. Now, you just hang out with Henry, alright?" Ellen says before standing up after pulling away. She pulls Henry away from the bed as she walks to the door.

"Thank you, Madam President," Henry says.

"Please, he's my son. The secret service will take care of Miguel. Maybe I'll put Amy on it," Ellen says with a smile-one too evil for a president to have.

"Well, don't kill him. I don't know much about American politics, but I do know that murder is still a big no-no," Henry says.

Ellen laughs before her face falls serious again, "just take care of him, will you?"

"Of course," the prince responds.

Ellen smiles and places a kind hand on Henry's shoulder before leaving the room. Henry locks the door after the president and walks over to his boyfriend. He smiles softly as he helps Alex take his shoes off. He assists Alex in taking his suit off and putting on his pajamas. Henry quickly changes himself before helping Alex into the bed and covering him up. The prince walks around the bed and climbs in next to the first son.

"I love you, Henry," Alex says softly as he lays his head against the prince's chest.

"And I love you, Alex."

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this!!!

Also, if any of you have ever been sexually assaulted and the person died, I highly recommend going to the grave to speak your peace. I went yesterday (10/28) and read a letter I wrote to him. I also threw rocks at his picture on the grave, spit on it, and my mom put her cigarette out on the picture. When I walked back to the car, I could actually feel my chest get lighter. Last night, I slept better than I ever could in the past three years.

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