18: Henry+Alex

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•Title: "Sick"

•Requester: mynameisnothing222

•Warnings: talk of illness, but no vomiting. Don't worry.

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: sickfic

A/N: I hope you enjoy. I'm really bad at writing sick fics

_____ _____ _____

Alex looks up from his notebook he's studying to the door of the home he shares with Henry. He's been doing this every ten minutes over the last two hours. Henry's due home from his trip to the palace at any point and Alex has missed him a lot. He sighs before returning his attention to the words on the page. He has an exam coming up and he absolutely needs to study. He's tried to for the past two days but his pounding headache has prevented it. Every few moments, Alex sniffles, his nose running like a faucet. A small pile of used tissues is in the waste basket next to him.

His head begins to fall towards the desk in tiredness. He jerks his head back up before it touches the paper, though. He rubs his eyes harshly under his glasses. He attempts to focus on the words again, but his vision begins to blur. His head drops all the way to the notebook this time, resting on his forearm as his eyes fall shut.

+ + + + +

Henry walks into the home to find all of the lights turned off. The only light he can see is the small lamp that sits on the desk. In the dim light, Henry can see his-rather, adorable-boyfriend. The prince lets out a sad sigh.

"You really need to stop overworking yourself," henry whispers as he runs a hand through Alex's hair.

As skin touches skin, Henry quickly retracts his hand as if it burnt him. He sighs softly as he pulls Alex to his feet, lifting him up bridal style. He carries Alex into their shared bedroom and places him on the mattress softly. He carefully pulls the skinny jeans off of Alex's legs, followed by his shirt. He pulls the comforter over Alex's body.

Henry walks into the adjoining bathroom. He opens the cabinet under the sink and grabs a washcloth. He closes the cabinet and turns the water on. Once it's lukewarm, he douses the washcloth. Once it is dripping wet, he turns the faucet off. Using both hands, he wrings the cloth until it's only damp. He walks back to Alex and places the washcloth on the nightstand. He pulls Alex's upper body up and stacks the pillows behind his body. He carfully leans Alex's body back, his head now being propped up by the pillows. He gently places the washcloth on Alex's forehead.

At the sensation, Alex's eyes flutter open.

"You're home," Alex says in a rough, quiet, voice as he smiles.

"I'm home," Henry says as he sits on the edge of the bed.

He uses the back of his hand to rub Alex's flushed cheeks lightly.

"What're you doing?" Alex chuckles before coughing, his body hunching forward as he covers his mouth.

"I'm taking care of my sick boyfriend," Henry says with a smile.

"I'm not si-," Alex is cut off by another coughing fit.

"What was that, now?" Henry questions with a chuckle.

"Oh, shut up," Alex says quietly as he smiles.

Henry chuckles again before he returns to the bathroom. This time, he opens the medicine cabinet and grabs a bottle of medicine. He walks back to Alex and sits down again. He grabs the water bottle that sits on the nightstand from the previous night and hands it to Alex.

"You're worried," Alex says as he studies the prince's face.

"I am," Henry says, "you have a fever."

Henry measures out the dose and hands Alex the small cup filled with bright orange liquid. Alex drinks it, grimacing as he quickly takes a large sip of water.

"You shouldn't be so close to me," Alex says softly as he leans his head back, blinking slowly.

"Why not?"

"I'll get you sick," Alex responds as if it's obvious.

"Well," Henry moves some of Alex's hair from in front of his face, "then I guess you'll just have to be my nurse."

"Is that your way of trying to get me into a sexy nurse's costume?"

"You do have nice legs," Henry says with a shrug.

"Fuck you, your royal highness," Alex says with a soft, weakened, smile.

"Hmm," Henry says, "tempting. Ask me again when you're better."

"Just lay down with me, you horny bastard."

"As you wish," Henry says before doing just that.

+ + + + +

Henry wakes up when the sun shines through the curtains of the bedroom and lands on his eyes. He feels a weight on his chest and looks down to see Alex laying there. He smiles as he reaches a hand up and strokes Alex's cheek. He lets out a sigh of relief when he realizes the first son's fever isn't there anymore. Alex stirs and opens his eyes tiredly. He snuggles closer to Henry with a content sigh.

"How do you feel?" Henry asks in a low and husky voice.

"Better but my head still feels heavy," Alex responds quietly.

"What do you want to do today, then?"

"Nothing," Alex says with a soft smile, "just cuddle. Do you need to go to the shelter today?"

"Nope. I have a few days off to spend with you," henry says softly.

"Good because once I feel better, I plan to leave you unable to walk."

_____ _____ _____

A/N: that last sentence is so gross. I'm sorry.

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