31: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Royal Secret part 2"

•Requester: SaumyaSrivastava030 and Sara-n-schwalbauch

•Warnings: violence, talk of homophobia and abuse

•Inspiration: You guys

•Type: Idfk

A/N: Okay so I suck at writing violence because I avoid it as much as I can irl. Also, politically speaking, this could never happen, but this is fiction.

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"Let me in. I demand to see him!" Alex screams, his body shaking with rage.

"Mr. Claremont-Diaz, I can't let you in," the guard says.

"Why the fuck not?"

+ + + + +

Henry is resting in his bed, recovering from the most recent encounter he had with Philip. His door opens, banging against the wall with a soft thud. The prince looks up to see Shaan standing there, a worried expression on his face.

"Shaan, what is it?" Henry questions softly.

"Alex is here," the equerry says.

"Well, just let him up here. I'll try to cover the bruises that I can with a hoodie."

"He's not here for you, sir," Shaan responds.

"What? Then who is he-" Henry is cut off by the sound of Alex screaming through the palace.

"Philip, show your coward face!" Alex yells, his voice echoing from the high ceilings.

Henry rushes from his room and down towards where he hears the voice coming from.

"Alex!" Henry exclaims, causing the first son to spin on his heels.

"Henry, holy shit," Alex says, his rage being pushed to the back of his mind and being replaced with worry, "did he do this?"

That's how Henry realizes he didn't cover his arms and he's just in a short sleeve t shirt and pajama pants. His arms are covered in forming and formed bruises, most in the shape of hands from being gripped. His neck has dark purple marks on it as well. The bruises Alex had already seen are almost healed, as it's been two weeks since he was dragged back to London. His plan was to wear a sweater next time he saw Alex-a turtleneck if the bruises on his neck were still there.

"Alex, I'm fine. Let's just go up to my room," Henry says softly.

"No, Henry. This is not okay. He can't get away with this. Go pack a bag. You're coming back with me. He is not going to hurt you anymore," Alex says before turning to Shaan, "where is the piece of shit?"

The equerry glances to the other guards in the corridor, nodding for them to walk away, "I'm afraid I can't share his whereabouts with you, Mr. Claremont-Diaz."

"Shaan, come o-"

Shaan holds up a finger, gesturing for Alex to wait a moment. Once he is sure that nobody is around, he leans closer. He grabs onto Alex's arms to make it look like he is keeping him in place. He lowers his head as he pulls Alex towards the stairs, "he is on the same floor as Henry and Bea, just on the opposite side. Make it quick and don't kill him. That would cause an international incident. Come to Henry's room in ten minutes. I will accompany the two of you back to DC."

"Thank you," Alex says, lowering his head as well.

"Thank you for doing what I can't," Shaan says as they reach Henry's floor, "now, fight me and rush off."

Alex does as told, elbowing Shaan in the face. The equerry falls to the ground and accepts a kick to the side-not hard enough to do any damage. Alex rushes off as henry helps Shaan up.

"Why did you do that? You know he's going to hurt Philip."

Shaan just shrugs and helps Henry get some things together.

Alex reaches the room and kicks the door open. It takes him a few tries to do so, making him mad that television and movies lied to him. He storms into the room and finds Philip sitting in a light brownish green throne-like chair. He grabs his blonde hair and throws him to the floor.

"What in the-"

"Shut the fuck up," Alex seethes as he climbs on top of Philip, punching him repeatedly.

"How dare you hurt him!? He is your brother, you jackass. He has always supported you, even when you were a dick who didn't deserve it-which is every time you take a breath."

Philip swings his fist and makes contact with Alex, causing the first son to fall to the ground with a thud. Philip is now on top, his hands around Alex's neck.

"My brother was fine before you showed up. He was dating women. He was normal!" Philip screams as Alex fights for air.

Alex manages to land a punch to Philip's side, cauing the prince's grip on his neck to let up. Alex takes this moment to throw Philip off of him, standing up and kicking the prince in the abdomen.

"He's gay, you thick headed prick! He doesn't need to change. He is perfect the way he is."

Once Alex is satisfied enough, he wipes the blood streaming from his nose with his sleeve and leaves the room. He walks down the corridor towards Henry. He walks in just as Henry is getting into new clothes, sighing sadly at the sight of the bruises. Henry turns when he hears the door shut, pulling his shirt on quickly and rushing over.

"You're hurt," he says as he checks Alex over.

"I'm fine," Alex says with a chuckle, "I'd say 'you should see the other guy', but I really don't want you anywhere near that prick."

Henry chuckles sadly and grabs his bag. Shaan comes to the room and the three leave the palace.

"Oh," Alex says to a guard outside the palace, "Prince Philip needs medical attention. Nothing too serious."

The guard radios someone as Alex, Henry, and Shaan rush off-Alex and Henry laughing as they do so.

When they land in DC, Zahra is waiting with a car. She walks towards the three and greets Shaan with a chaste kiss before turning towards the other two. Her eyes land on the bruises that go across Alex's knuckles and on his face and neck.

"What the he- you know what? I don't want to know," Zahra cuts herself off.

"Yeah, that's probably best," Alex responds.

Zahra turns to Shaan, "do you know?"

"I do."

"Are you going to clue me in?" Zahra questions.

"I will not."

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A/N: Okay so this wasn't short.

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