4: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Get me to him"


•Warnings: talk of drugs, OD, suicide, etc.

•Inspiration: I wanted vulnerable Henry.

•Type: angst

A/N: Hope you enjoy. Send in requests. [I don't write smut]

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'Breaking News: His Royal Highness Prince Henry is rushed into the hospital, seemingly unconcious'

'People all over the world anxiously await news on HRH Prince Henry's condition after what seems to be an apparent drug overdose lands him in hospital.'

'The world seemed to come to a stop when news broke that His Royal Highness Prince Henry, youngest son of Princess Catherine, was rushed to the hospital. Sources are confirming the reason for the emergency visit is an apparent OD. Will HRH Prince Henry be the next of his family to be checked into rehab?'

'Americans woke up this morning wondering why HRH Prince Henry was trending on every News and Social Media site. Here's what you need to know: 1. HRH was taken into the hospital after an apparent drug overdose. 2. While no official confirmation on his current condition has come out, sources claim that his heart had stopped and a crash cart was needed to resuscitate him. 3. Nobody in the White House has been able to confirm how the first son, HRH Prince Henry's close friend, is taking the news.'

+ + + + +

Alex wakes up to someone shaking him. When he opens his eyes, Nora, June, Zahra, and his mom are standing over him. He thanks the gods that he chose to wear clothes last night. Well, if boxers can be counted as clothes. At least he's not naked.

"Jesus! What?"Alex exclaims before noticing how all of them look very-terrifyingly-serious.

"Alex," Nora's voice is soft and careful.

Alex sits up, "what's happened?"

"It broke the news last night," Ellen starts, "it's about Henry."

"Were we caught again?"

"No, no," June says softly, "he was rushed to the hospital."

"What!?" Alex jumps up and starts rushing around his room.

In any other circumstances, the girls would have laughed at how he looked like a chicken with its head cut off. Knowing why he's rushing like this breaks their hearts.

"We already packed you a bag," Ellen says softly.

"You and I are leaving. Princess Beatrice will make sure you get in to see him," Zahra says softly-a voice she rarely uses with him.

"What happened? How is he?" Alex questions.

The mood of the room falls even more. Ellen clears her voice before speaking, "he OD'd. They believe it was a suicide attempt. He is now in stable condition, though."

Alex deflates as he lets this sink in. suicide attempt. suicide attempt. suicide attempt. suicide attempt. suicide attempt. suicide attempt. suicide attempt.

+ + + + +

Alex runs down the hall when he sees Bea standing there. He pulls her into a tight hug, his hand holds her head to him as the two let a small amount of tears out. Neither one of them cares who can see. Zahra is standing against a nearby wall next to Shaan. Alex can see them holding hands but knows not to question it.

"How is he?" Alex asks Bea when they pull away.

"He's," she pauses, clearly thinking, "he's going to live."

"Is it true, Bea?"

"I'm not sure. He isn't letting anyone in if we're going to ask that," Bea responds.

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah," Bea walks towards the door and opens it.

Alex walks in and pinches his thigh to keep from gasping aloud. Henry looks pale-paler than normal. His hair looks dirty, like he hasn't showered in days. He has oxygen going through his nose, an iv his right hand, and a monitor attached to things on his chest. None of this is what terrifies Alex, though. It's the two wraps Henry has on. One on his head-he must have hit his head when he lost consciousness-and one on his left forearm.

Bea leaves the room to give them privacy. Alex notices that all the shades in the room are drawn for privacy, as well. He moves to sit in the chair next to Henry, grabbing the hand that doesn't have an IV in it.

At this, Henry opens his eyes, smiling, "hey."

Alex smiles sadly, "hey, baby."

Henry tries to move to a sitting position but Alex stands to push him back down. Henry groans as he throws his head back to the pillow.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come," Henry says softly.

Alex scoffs with teary eyes, "the love of my life is in the hospital. How could I not come?"

"Alex, don't cry," Henry says softly when he sees the tears in his boyfriend's eyes.

"Baby, I was so scared," Alex sniffles, "not knowing if you were even alive. God, I love you. Please know that."

"I do know it," Henry responds, "and I love you, Alex."

The room falls into a silence. Alex leans his head down so that his forehead is braced against the bed.


Alex looks up in confusion, "yes what?"

"That question you're dying to ask. The answer's yes."

Alex can almost feel his heart stop, "what was the question, Henry?"

"You want to know if I tried to kill myself, yeah?"

"The answer is yes?" Alex can't stop his voice from breaking as he speaks.

When Henry nods, fresh and hot tears run down Alex's face. He stands and pulls the prince-his prince-into a passionate kiss.

"We want to make history together, remember? You need to be here to do that. I'm not interested in making history with anyone else."

After a long argument, Alex reluctantly agrees to get in the bed with Henry. The first son lays on his back. Henry is pretty much on top of him, the IV tube draped over the both of them. Zahra comes in with another blanket, having predicted this was going to happen. She finds the two asleep and smiles. She places a kiss on Alex's forehead when she covers him before leaving the room.

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!

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