14: Alex+Henry

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•Title: "Rumors part 2"

•Requester: Bella 250202

•Warnings: coma

•Inspiration: the request.

•Type: angst

A/N: I hope you enjoy. The request was a lot different, but I decided to change it. Here is part 2!

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Henry is twirling an imaginary ring where his signet ring used to be. His steps echo throughout the empty hospital walls as he moves. Shaan is behind him, along with the rest of his security. Zahra is walking in front of them, her black heels clicking rhythmically against the linoleum. Henry's eyes are brimmed red, his cheeks flushed. Henry can tell that the woman in front of him is angry. She's so angry that it covers her worry. She didn't even speak to Henry, which worried the prince immensely. After what feels like forever, Zahra leads them into a private waiting area, where the first family is sitting. Everyone stands as Henry enters the room, Nora being the only one to move towards the prince.

"Nora, I swear on my life-"

"I told you because I knew it would be in the news. Not because I thought you should come," Nora responds, her hand in front of Henry's face.

"I didn't cheat on him!" Henry exclaims desperately, "I promise you."

"Pictures of you with a guy in quite a compromising position reaching the press isn't cheating?" Zahra questions.

"They weren't real!" Henry responds, tears forming in his eyes once again.

"The royal family looked into them," Shaan adds, "the photographs were photoshopped. The original pictures are of Alex and him."

Everyone in the room sighs. Henry sends June and Nora a desperate look, a pleading look. June sighs and turns to her mom, nodding.

"He's awake now, but he was in a coma for almost thirty-six hours," Ellen says softly.

"A c-coma?" Henry's voice breaks slightly.

"You can see him," June says.

Ellen sends a sharp glare towards her daughter, "I don't know if that's best."

"Mom," June says in a warning tone.

Ellen looks towards the prince and sees his distressed state. She lets out a sigh as she takes a step towards him, "okay, you can see him. But-and I mean this-if he starts to get worked up, or kicks you out, you leave. If you don't, I can get you put on a no fly list so fast your head will spin."

Henry gulps softly before nodding, "yes, ma'am."

Ellen turns to Zahra and nods softly, "show him to Alex's room."

Zahra rolls her eyes and motions for Henry to follow her. They take a right out of the room. About thirty paces down the hall, they take a left. Henry can see cash and Amy down the corridor, both standing stiff outside of a room. As the two approach them, Cash scowls towards Henry. Zahra holds her hand up before he can speak.

"The president okayed his presence," is all she says before turning to the prince, gesturing towards the shut door.

Henry takes tentative steps towards it. He looks through the thin window of the door to see Alex's eyes open and focused on the television. Henry's hand shakes as he raises it to rest on the door knob. With a deep breath, he turns the handle and pushes the door open. Alex watches him as he steps into the room and shuts the door. Henry uses the last ounce of courage he has and looks into Alex's eyes.

"I-I know that I'm probably the last person you want in here," he says in a quiet, careful, tone.

"Look at that, you're right," Alex responds before looking back at the television.

"The pictures were fake, Alex. I would never, ever, cheat on you," Henry says softly, his voice containing a tone of desperation once again.

Alex lets out a sad and dry chuckle, "yeah, right."

"I swear to you on my life, Alex. On Bea's life, on my father's grave. I'm not lying," Henry says, the desperation in his voice growing by the word.

Alex's chuckles stop abruptly, "that's not funny, Henry."

"I'm not trying to be funny, Alex. This isn't a joke to me. We aren't a joke to me," Henry says, his tone serious.

Alex looks at him with a tilted head, "they weren't real?"

"No, they weren't," Henry confirms.

Alex grows silent as he focuses on his lap. Just as Henry grows used to the silence, Alex lets out a loud groan. The prince looks at him to see that Alex is covering his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry," Alex says softly.

"Sorry? For what?" Henry questions.

"Shutting you out," Alex says with guilt filled eyes.

"Alex," Henry breathes out as he moves to sit in the chair next to Alex's hospital bed, "you don't need to apologize. You were hurt. I understand."

"After everything, though, I should have given you the benefit of the doubt."

"I don't know what I would have done if I thought you had cheated on me, Alex."

"You would have been graceful as always," Alex says with a small smirk.

"Like when I ran away in Texas?" Henry questions with a chuckle.

"Yeah, exactly," Alex says with a chuckle.

"Can I kiss you?" Henry asks.

Alex's face grows serious as he thinks. He nods slightly after a moment of contemplation. Henry smiles and lens forward. The kiss is short and soft, but it's what they both needed after two weeks of silence.

"So," Alex says as they pull away, "I take it you want an explanation?"

"Yeah, I'd appreciate knowing why my boyfriend is lying in a hospital bed with an IV in his hand."

Alex sighs as he makes eye contact with Henry, "alcohol poisioning. I'm okay now, I just drank too much with too few breaks."

Henry sighs, "because of me?"

"Because of what I thought. Because of what the tabloids said," Alex says softly.

"I love you, Alex."

"And I love you, my prince."

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Well, here's part two. I hope you enjoyed.

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