28: Henry+Alex⚠️

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•Title: "Gone"


•Warnings: Mention of death.

•Inspiration: Idk, actually. All though part of it is based off of a scene from Jane The Virgin

•Type: angst.

A/N: I'm sorry in advance... This is kind of unrealistic.

_____ _____ _____

Alex is having a family game night with Ellen, June, and Leo when his phone rings. He sighs and steps away from them as he answers the call, "hello?"

"Alex," it's Princess Beatrice's voice.

"Bea?" Alex questions, earning the other three's attention.

"Alex," Bea says with a cry.

"Bea, what's wrong?" Alex nearly screams it through the phone to be heard over Bea's cries-which the other three can hear from across the room.

"It's Henry, Alex," Bea says, "he was in a plane crash. H-he didn't make it."

The next thing to be heard is the sound of his phone dropping against the hardwood floor, followed by Alex's knees. Alex knows his mouth his open but he doesn't hear a thing. Ellen, leo, and June, do. They hear him scream louder than they've heard anyone scream. Alex's body falls forward until he is folded as he sobs, his entire body shaking.

June rushes to her brother, sliding his phone towards Ellen. As her daughter comforts Alex, ellen picks up the phone to talk to Bea. At hearing the news, Ellen covers her mouth with a shaky hand.

Once she ends the call, giving Bea her condolences, she quickly makes her way to her son, holding him.

"Leo, call Oscar. And Zahra. She should reach out to Shaan."

+ + + + +

Alex is sitting in his room, on the red couch. He remembers the first time he and Henry hooked up, on this couch. His eyes are fixated on the wall as he thinks back to that night.

He closes his eyes softly as his mind is filled with thoughts of his prince.

+ + + + +

"Hey, sweetheart," Alex opens his eyes and turns to see Henry at the door, bruises covering his face and neck. His arm is in a sling and he has a cane in his other hand.

"Henry!" Alex runs across the room, slowling to a stop in front of him, "how are you here? Bea told me you died!"

"I was presumed dead, but I survived," Henry responds, "I went home, and Bea told me she called you. You weren't answering any of my calls, so I just came here."

Alex gently hugs Henry as he lets out a sob, "you can't die, okay? You can't do that to me."

"I'm here, darling. I'm here."

+ + + + +

Alex jolts up when he feels himself be shaken. He opens his eyes to see his mom sitting next to him on the red couch.


"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Please tell me," Alex clears his throat as fresh tears pool in his eyes, "please just tell me Henry's not dead."

Tears form in Ellen's eyes as she pulls her lips into a tight line. She places her hand on Alex's head.

"I wish I could, baby. I really wish I could say that," Ellen says.

Alex stands up, "I-I need to pack my things. I need to get to the palace for the funeral."

Ellen stands as well, "Alex, sweetheart, about that..."

"What?" Alex stops in his tracks and looks at his mom.

"Uhm, well, the queen is the one who decides who can attend the private funeral and-"

"She doesn't want the prince's gay lover there?" Alex finishes.

"Alex, I'm sorry. Zahra, June, and Nora have offered to fly over with you, so that you can be with Bea and Percy."

"No," Alex says, "I-I can't go there. If they don't want me there, I shouldn't go."

"Alex, the queen doesn't want you there. Henry's mom, Beatrice, Percy, they want you there."

"Mom, I don't know if I c-"

"You can. You have more strength than you know, baby. You can."

"Okay, I'll go."

+ + + + +

By the time that Alex reaches the palace, everyone is back after the private service. Bea and Percy come running down the stairs towards him, Nora, and June. June and Nora both give Percy a hug while Bea hugs Alex.

"Thank goodness you came, Alex. I was so worried you wouldn't," Bea says, "not that I'd blame you, but it's just good to see you."

Alex pulls on a smile and nods, "it's good to see you, too."

Beatrice leads everyone up to her and Henry's residences. They all go into the shared living room, but Alex remains in the hallway. He's staring at Henry's bedroom door. Percy sees and walks over to him.

"Mate, you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"You know he loved you, right? Like more than he could ever fully express? His love for you consumed him at times. He never shut up about you."

Alex chuckles softly as Bea approaches them. She lets Alex into Henry's bedroom and hands him two things. The hoodie that Henry wore when they went to the museum and a bottle of Henry's cologne.

"I have enough memories to hold onto. You should have this to remember him," she says softly.

Alex holds the worn hoodie to his chest as a tear falls from his face.

"I can't believe how wrong I was about him."

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Okay, I made myself cry. I didn't know how to kill Henry off, so I did a plane crash. Idk why, it just came to my mind. I hope you enjoyed-please don't hate me.

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