Chapter 2: Husband privilages

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Sky is in his robe, his hair tied up with a band. He is busy sorting clothes and accessories in the bags for their trip (ahem! The honeymoon)

"Did you pack the footwear in that bag like i said?" Sky asked prapai who is just out of the shower.

"I just came out the shower, I'm tired I wanna cuddle you and sleep" he came to sky and hugged him from the back

"P'pai... leave me and focus on packing we have to go to the airport by 2:00 am!, see its 11:40 already"

"Let me hug my wifey for a while, we have more than two hours" prapai hugged sky even tighter resting his head on sky's neck

Sky stayed still holding phi's hands for a moment "Was that enough to recharge you?, now let go of me we have so much to pack"

"Can I get a kiss?" Prapai turned Sky towards him "No! Not now we have so much to do" he locked sky in his arms "Not even a single one?" He asked sky with puppy eyes and pouty lips

"No!" Sky placed his arms on prapai's chest pushing him back. "Please... please na... na na na..."prapai pleaded leaning in.

Sky looked at him annoyed, "na.." he asked again. "Only one, understood?" Sky warned "Mm Mm" prapai nodded quickly.

He pulled sky by the waist and kissed him deeply, sky kissed back their lips wet and craving each other more and more.

Their lips danced in wetness and warmth

The kisses created the tension in sky, they were too lost in that kiss, prapai untied sky's robe revealing his chest.

Their lips were undetachable, their kisses paced up prapai slide his hands on sky's bare waist, their  lips parted and tongues twisting in each other's mouth.

Prapai guided his lips from sky's lips to his neck and started kissing his neck, "mhm..."sky let out a moan.

Prapai smiled at his moan and continued to suck his neck, sky grabbed pai by his waist his grip tightened

"P'pai...mmh.." "khaab...?"

He the slide sky's robe off his one shoulder while kissing his neck "phi...uhmm..." Sky couldn't control himself

He shifted his kisses from sky's neck to his collar bone and then kissed his chest. Sky opened him eyes quickly and pushed prapai off him

"I said only one kiss, what are you doing? Sky asked in anger and shock "You didn't stop me" prapai raised his brows and smiled like flirt.

Sky pouted "Mm, you got your kiss now go pack the rest" he left the bedroom.


Welcome to Thai Airways International sir...

Welcome to Thai Airways International sir... the Airhostess wished them as they entered the flight, the seats were spacious and comfortable

"Im so excited for the trip P'pai" sky said holding prapai's hands after sitting in their seats "A small correction...Its not trip its a honeymoon understood?"

Sky let go of his hands pouting, "people can here us!!" "I really don't care sky!"prapai said smiling.

"We better get some sleep so that we don't feel tired in the morning" sky said adjusting his blanket

"Can I kiss you?" Prapai turned in his seat completely towards sky

"P'pai are you crazy there's people in the plane"
"See they are all sleeping and the lights were off too"
Sky looked around "No! Wait until we get to Maldives"
"Just one before we sleep, one kiss and I wont ask until we land promise"
"I don't think this is good idea, we're in public"
"We don't know if it's good idea or not until we try"

Prapai pulled sky by his neck and planted a sweet kiss, he moved his lips and kissed sky again. Sky pushed him back "that's enough! P'pai"

"Why can't get enough of you, I feel like I wanna eat you up" prapai pulled sky grabbing his collar and kissed his neck

Sky lift a magazine to cover themselves, prapai kissed and sucked on his neck, sky's eyes rolled up "uhh..." he let out a sigh

Prapai bit sky's neck and sucked it hard again "P'pai... it hurts" sky grabbed his jaw and tapped it telling him to let go

"Mmh.." prapai ignored sky and sucked as much skin as he could in his mouth and bit it harder "let go phi, it's mmhm..."

*lights turn on* they both startle and sit straight, someone on the other seat was talking to Airhostess for something.

Prapai and sky looked at each other and giggled, prapai then took sky's hand in his "Guess I have to adjust with only your hand tonight"

He kissed his hand and rested his head on sky's shoulder, sky blushed and rest his head on his's.


They reached Maldives and to their suite and its 9:30 in the morning.

"What do you wanna eat Sky? I'm ordering food"prapai asked scrolling his phone.

"I'm tired"sky fell on the bed "take a nap then we can eat later" prapai turned his phone off

"Ow! Why are you not ordering, I can eat, i will sleep after eating" sky sat up on the bed.

"I wish I was food, because you will never say no to food" prapai fell on the bed beside sky.

Sky turned towards prapai "Too bad" he said playing with his hair. Prapai turned towards and laid on top of sky, their eyes met.

"You can't escape from me now" prapai took both sky's hands and pinned them above him


Prapai's lips were on sky's, sky was surprised by the kiss but couldn't stop himself from kissing him back, prapai devoured his lips the wetness and warmth they shared was incredible, their tongues fighting for dominance.

Prapai kissed him so hard like he wants more and more of him but can't get enough, he unbuttoned sky's shirt with one hand while pinning him with another.

Theirs lips parted prapai looked at sky with the swooned eyes, he started kissing his neck and down the chest.

He grabbed sky by the waist and continued kissing, sky ran his hands in prapai's hair.

"Mmhm... phi we should really stop"

Prapai ingnored sky and kissed his nipple "nghh..phi.." he sucked on it and bit it gently, sky's grip on phi's hair tightened.

Prapai kissed, licked and bit on the sweetness of sky's sensitive spots "haaa..." sky moaned and his back arched

"P'pai..." sky tried to lift prapai's head but he is so into eating him up, "P'pai.." "khaab.." he replied but kept licking sky's body and kissing him.

"Mmhm... P'pai, that's enough na!" He lift prapai head. Phi looked at sky scrunching his brows "what happened"

"Wait until evening na, we can make it special" sky said grabbing prapai's face in his hands, prapai pouted.

"We are almost close, see" he said looking down, both of them we're getting hard.

"Its okay we will calm down" sky pulled in prapai and kissrd his lips again.

Prapai got off sky pouting and upset, sky looked at him and grinned. "Aww... are you upset phi?"sky asked rolling on the bed towards prapai.


Sky can see that phi is kinda pissed, he smiled at prapai's salty baby face.

"l'm going out to bring breakfast" he got of the bed and left the suite. Sky chuckled at the poor baby.

A/N: Hope you liked it 😉

(chapter 3: The first night) will be out soon hang in there guys 😌

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