Chapter 28: Pain and Rage

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A/N: Keep commenting as you read🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

"I'm not dead yet" a faint chuckle escaped sky's lips, Prapai froze halting his cries he looked at him, sky smiled at him with blood covered face.

"Don't talk like that... What happened sky!... who did this?" Prapai shook him, *cough* "These are just small injuries"

"Small?... you are bleeding, come let's go to the hospital first" Prapai started to scoop him from the floor, Sky grabbed his collar pulling his face towards him.

"No... I can't... I don't want to go" he wrapped hand around Prapai's neck closing his eyes. "Do see your situation, don't act foolish, let's go to the doctor"

Sky shook his head sideways, Prapai slumped, his eyes flowed to see him like this, "I already told you there's no need to make another meal... we could've just ate the leftovers"

"I wanted to make it" he replied weakly, "Tsk... what happened sky, why did you end up like this? Tell me!!" Pai asked impatiently.

"Give me a bath will you? I feel disgusted" Sky closed his eyes and fell back into Pai's chest, he has used too much energy to speak, Pai had no choice but listen to him, he didn't want to force him to see a doctor.

He lift him from the floor and cradled him to their bedroom, he placed his weak body on the bed, and undressed him gently.

"Tss" sky reacted to his every move but just has no energy to open his eyes, "who dared to lay a hand on you?"Pai whispered slowly.

His heart filled with pain and rage, fists tightened with anger, he wanted to go kill whoever it is but right now sky needs him, he needs him more than anything.

Prapai cradled him into the bathtub he washed his limp body, the water almost turned crimson. With every gentle wipe sky groaned and moaned in pain.

With all the blood being washed, Pai could see the wounds properly, there a cut on his cheek bone, purple eye, and purple bruises over his stomach and scraped knuckles.

A mixture of deep pain and Anger like a volcano burned in him, it came out as tears from his face. Prapai dressed each and every wound and put on some fresh soft clothes to him.

Prapai couldn't make him eat anything, sky has no energy even to eat, so he tucked him in the bed and closed the door gently.

He walked to and fro in their hallway fidgeting with his phone, he needs to know who did this, but he couldn't think of what to do, whom to talk to.

"Why sky avoided my questions?... is he hiding something?... no... my love will never hide anything from me.... maybe he is too weak... too tired to understand my questions... I should've asked later"

*CLANG* A metallic sound came from sky's room, Prapai sprinted quickly, to find the bed lamp fell from the side table.

"Mmmh... mmh" sky was struggling in his sleep "Mhh.." he looked disturbed and kind of disgusted "Sky!" Prapai reached out and held his hands.

Sky stopped whining and opened his eyes slowly "Why are you not sleeping next to me?" He asked weakly.

"I was just outside baby" he caressed gently on his head "P'Pai hold me, I can't sleep without you" "okay darling okay" he whispered softly.

And hugged him to sleep, sky fell into deep slumber within seconds, Prapai stayed up longer thinking about the situation, he just couldn't sleep.


"Baby... How are feeling now?" Pai's soft voice woke him up, he is not tired but his body is still sore, he smiled softly "I'm fine"

"You didn't eat anything last night, come on have this soup so that you can take medicines" Prapai brought the breakfast he made.

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