Chapter 22: Echo of Actions

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A/N: I couldn't leave you guys heartbroken on Pai, so I posted this Draft anyway.🙆🏻‍♀️
Keep commenting as you read 🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

Prapai woke to feel a burn on his chest, he opened his crusty eyes to find Sky in his arms curled up , his face is flushed and lips shivering.

"Sky" he cupped his face, his body is burning.
realisations hit him like hammer in his head, "Oh no! What have I done"

"Baby" Pai woke up and checked his face and arms, its hot, "Baby wake up" he wiggled him, but sky has no energy to open his eyes.

He didn't respond and turned his face away, Prapai froze in guilt, he was an animal to sky last night, he was too blinded by his jealousy.

Prapai hated himself for being the reason of sky's situation, he bundled his weak body into the sheets and pulled into his arms.

Sky's face looked disturbed he don't want to be touched by Prapai anymore, but its too comforting in his embrace that he stayed there without pushing him away.

His body is hot but he felt cold, he sighed scrunching his eyes, the air out of his mouth is hot like a steam Pai sensed it on his chest.

Pai's heart raced, "Tsk" he gritted his teeth cursing.
"Baby let me see your face" he caressed his cheeks and lifted, Sky reluctantly showed his face but didn't open his eyes.

Prapai's eyebrows grew wide to see sky's face flushed his lips dry and pale , he checked his eyes they were pale too, as he watched him sleep restlessly a heavy anchor of regret sank in his chest.

The soft morning light illuminated the contours of his face, Pai gently brushed the strands from his face, he can't undo the the wounds he inflicted.

Prapai covered his body and shifted back to go fetch a bowl of cold water, Sky caught his arm as a sign to don't leave, but he let go, in simultaneous hatred towards him.

Carefully, he placed the cold damp cloth on his fevered skin, it felt similar, similar to his cold actions and words against Sky's warm love.

He hated himself for what he has done, it pained him to see the outcomes of his monstrosity, "I should've been a little more sane, I've took too much advantage of him"

In the silence of the room, the weight of his guilt was deafening, drowning out any justification he once clung to. He hated himself for the pain he caused, his actions resulted a distance between their hearts.

"I'm so sorry baby" Pai kept murmuring apologies into the stillness of the room, the clock ticked beside them marking the passing time, he continued to stare at him in silent vigil.

*Sky's mobile rings* Its labeled P'Boon, Prapai answered the call immediately "Swadeekrub"
"Hello Sky?"
"Sky is sleeping, he can't attend work today"
"Who's speaking, may I know?"
"I'm Prapai, his husband"
"Oh! P'Prapai... sorry I couldn't recognize your voice, is Sky okay?"

Prapai paused he didn't answer
"Okay, okay I'll file a leave for him, let him know that I called, wadee phi" Boon hung up the call.

Prapai squeezed the device in his hand in anger and disgust, as his thoughtless actions reverberated in his mind and burning regression consumed him, would he ever be able to forgive himself?

As the day faded, Prapai wiped his body and changed his clothes, he massaged his legs and fevered body, he became a caretaker once more.

The last time Sky was sick is due to the soul eating nightmares, now he became the reason for his sickness, where did all the promised love go?

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