Chapter 15: PLOY

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A/N: ⚠️Self harm.(You can totally skip this chapter if you don't like reading another Pov)

Ploy's Pov

Bundles of paper slam on my face, they fall to the floor swimming in the still air, they are my favourite sketches, anatomy ones.

I drew them pouring my heart into those, I spent hours sketching them with different pencils and quality paper.

Art is my expensive passion, I used to save up my lunch money to buy those sketching sheets, they are now being tossed onto me like they mean nothing.

"If I caught you scribbling useless shit like these one more time, I will fucking burn every single bit of paper... Understood?" My father shouted, I jolt at his loud voice.

He marched towards me grabbed my arm so tightly it ached, "Understood?" He barked at my face busting my eardrum.

I could feel my eyes burn and tears ooze, I nodded silently as the drops tumble down my face, he released me harshly, pushing me away.

I kneel and pick my damaged art pieces, made me feel like I'm picking myself up, I do find myself self in my work.

"You will take admission in Faculty of Architecture no matter what, I won't and will not allow you take Art as a education or profession" his words actually kinda hurtful, even I try to numb myself, his words still reach my head, they're still there.

I don't answer, I don't flinch at his words... anger brewed inside me, my temples hurt when I get irritated too much.

She hit me with one of the paired magnets, unintentionally though, but Im paying for it till today, I don't hold grudges on her, I do love her

I grabbed the sheets and stomped my way to my room, my hands itched to slam the door forcibly but I shut it slowly despite my hurt and anger.

I feel powerless, unable to control my life, my knees lost the energy to stand, I dropped to the floor behind the door.

Tears flowed my eyes, I sobbed like someone died... someone did die... it's me deep inside... dead, I don't have a choice, I must take Architecture.

I grit my teeth, my face crumbled in fury, how might I look right now?, I bet I look ugly... how these other girls look cute when they cry but not me?, random thoughts pop into my head, do I have ADHD, I don't thing I have.

I crawled towards my dresser, drew out the last drawer, there it is... my paper cutter, pink one... I hate the colour but still bought it.

I still remember the day I bought the cutter for my science project at school, it was raining heavy., I always get a rainy vibe when I see this cutter.

I take it into my hand my eyes flowed
uncontrollably, my hands shook, I bit my inner cheek it almost tasted iron.

Fury raged in me... I hate it, I hate my self, Im worth less... I want all this to end, I want my life to end.
I stood up and pulled my shorts down and propped my self on the bed, I sat spreading my thighs and graze my finger tips on my skin.

My fingers bounce on the ridges, the deep long scars on my inner thigh, one of the scars is fresh and the flesh is raw.

I cut myself when I feel low, when I hate myself I punish my body, it feels like poetic justice to me, I press the blade on my skin next to the raw scar.

I press it with more pressure, a sting rippled on my skin as the blade dug into my skin, I guided the blade in a straight line.

The skin tore and blood pooled like red jewels arranged on the thread of the scar, it's painful... so much but felt ease like I managed to take out some amount of pain from my heart.


I sucked the smoke into my lungs deeply from my cigar, and blew it out.... The smoke blended into thin air on terrace of the school building

Its been two years now, I stopped hurting my self, made my self numb from any feelings that left in me, my father never looked at me as a human.

Not even when my sister disappeared and I'm the only kid that's left, I never knew what a hug from a parent feels like, I don't want to feel anymore.

But I miss her, my sister, I don't know if she's alive, she never came back home when she left with her friends to celebrate a birthday party.

Their friends told that she left early, and the cops did no useful job except asking the same fucking questions every time.

Then I met this person 'Petch' he was nice to me, he took me out on dates and night races, we shared food, clothes and stuff.

When I was at my lowest, petch came into my life and he also brought many things along with him, smoking, drinks and drugs and introduced me to his friends

He even introduced me to his family, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, he never laid a finger on me but I sense a weird vibe.

"Ploy this is not good, you need get out this" but If I get out of this, I will surely drift back into my darkness and the cuts will change their place to my wrists.

I'll stick with him, not only because he pulled me from my darkness but I'll be with him because may be I get to learn the fate of my sister.


I crushed my cigar butt under my black army boots, and return to the corridors, looked like everyone left, and I saw Toy, he still owes me my fucking stuff.

I caught him and punched him good, he cried like a girl, looks like he needs extra lessons, "ploy... please give me a few days, I'll give you the stuff"

His annoying plead just makes me uncomfortable, I punch him harder... and then came this teacher, what's his deal with me anyway.

He just pisses me off in every damn class and now he is even here, looks like i gotta look into this teacher "Sky" and know his better.

I got a good glance at his face when I caught his collar, it felt wise to drop it and leave, see you next time teacher sky, after I know about you completely.

A/N: Short chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️

Next chapter will be updated soon, plz wait na 😉

Vote and comment, love🤍✨

Also, I'm dying at this poster 😩
Peat in his lap, ugh!! And the hand placement, gawd punch me in my face 🥵🌡️

Also, I'm dying at this poster 😩Peat in his lap, ugh!! And the hand placement, gawd punch me in my face 🥵🌡️

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