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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Uniquelyme2010 , Why? I will tell in the endnote, for now, enjoy these 5k words of bliss😉😉

Author's Pov

Like an angel in a nightmare
You opened up my eyes....

A sweet voice float in the still morning air, while the birds chirp their morning calls, the sizzle of the pan emitting smooth vapours.

Lookin' in all the wrong places You're the one I needed this whole time...

Sky is in Pai's white dress shirt, just falling above his thighs, he tossed the Shrimps in the pan as he swayed his hips.

You're the sun to the moon
You're my ocean, painted blue....

There's a faint smile on his face, and face so peaceful, he hummed the lyrics as he seasoned the sizzle.

You, I'm nothing without you...
(I'm nothing without you...)

Sky was startled a little to hear another voice singing the same line in unison, Prapai was already behind him.

He was woken and drawn to the most sweetest voice he could ever listen to, he reached Sky without making a noise, so that he wouldn't disturb his bloom.

"P'Pai!" Sky gasped as he felt his breath on his nape, "I'm nothing without you..." Pai kept singing.

He slowly slide his hands around Sky's waist and hugged him, "nothing without you..." he placed his chin into his neck smiling softly.

"You startled me" Sky said calmly with a faint smile, "why did you stop singing, continue, I want to listen" Pai pulled him back slightly into his hold.

"I'm done singing" Sky's face is already turning red because he was embarrassed by getting caught singing like this.

Prapai leaned his face, attaching each other's cheeks "you are blushing?" He sensed it when he saw Sky's grip on the spatula tightened.

"No" Sky touched his cheek to check, they are warm "liar... I can feel your cheeks getting warmer" he dipped his face into sky's neck and sniff-kissed it.

Sky curled at the kiss, "That's because of the hot smoke" sky said pouting, Prapai chuckled remembering the last time he blamed the hot smoke.

"I think it's not the hot smoke, but a Hot wind god, don't you think? Mm?" He sniffed into his neck again.

"Mm! P'Pai! That tickles" Sky giggled giving up the lying game "where? Hear? Or hear?" Pai tickled him on his ears, neck and then his waist.

"Phi, stop it... stop it haha please" Sky laughed so loud and couldn't even stand properly, Pai stopped for one second and started ticking him again.

"Haha ha hah phi!! Enough now" Sky laughed until his eyes watered, when Pai stopped tickling him. He panted a little for laughing too much.

"Let me go now Phi, I'm afraid you will tickle me again" Sky simmered the stove and tried to wiggle himself out from Pai's grip.

"Okay okay I won't tickle you, promise, you just keep doing whatever it is you're doing" Prapai hands grew ignorant.

He lift Sky's shirt and slide in hand inside feeling the softness under his touch "Mmm!! Phi Paai!! What are you doing?" Sky tried to dodge his hands with elbows.

But also liked the way Pai's firm hands are caressing his skin, he felt his body slowly loosing control, he sighed softly.

"Nothing, You tell me what you're doing?" Pai smirked and guided his hands towards Sky's nipple and squeezed it firmly, sending sweet shivers down his body.

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