Chapter 20: Stimulus 🔞

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A/N: Keep commenting while you read 🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

"Sky!.. baby are you okay in there?" Prapai knocked on the bathroom door, he put his ear on it to listen closely, he could faintly hear Sky struggling.

"Do you want me to come in?" Prapai grabbed the knob of the door but didn't twist yet "No!... I'm fine" he yelled from inside.

"Do you even know how to put that on?" Prapai tried harder to listen to Sky from the other side of the door.

Sky managed to convince Prapai to let him do it by himself after a big wrestle fight on the bed earlier, Pai let him go since accepting alone is big thing for him.

"Listen...The broad end should go in and the thin silicon end stays outside between your crotch... use lube as well... if you-"
"I know P'Pai!! I can do it, I don't want any explanations"

Sky shouted from inside, he is really pissed at Pai for making him do things like this, Pai snorted controlling his laughter.

"Okay wifey, take your time in there"
Pai returned to the dresser and picked his Prada perfume and sprayed it on his neck, body and little on the wrist.

He placed it back, and checked his styled hair, his hair is darker and shiny and few strands falling down onto his eyebrows.

His ripped muscles are covered in diamond chains and pearls woven together and the Off-White suit on top giving only hints of his chest peaking through the gap.
















His pants are nicely worn around his legs and his long stature is visible, the shoes are black and they are red-bottomed Christian Louboutins

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His pants are nicely worn around his legs and his long stature is visible, the shoes are black and they are red-bottomed Christian Louboutins.

Prapai checked himself once again he smirked at the charming reflection before him. He then checked the time on his watch, Its 7:43pm.

"Sky...Come out already, I don't even know what outfit did you pick, I want to see you" Prapai paced back and forth in their room.

The door knob clicked and twisted, Pai was curious to see him, the moment Sky opened the door and laid his eyes on him.

Pai's heart sank into his stomach feeling thousands of butterflies in his body, his jaw dropped at the most gorgeous sight before him.

Sky's hair is styled as messy hair falling down his face covering his forehead completely, his cheeks flushed and lips tinted light red.

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