Chapter 24: One Last Chance

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Author's Pov

"P'Payu krub, how long you guys were here?" Sky asked placing waters on the table and leaned on the chair beside Rain.

"We're here since 3:00 in the afternoon, the doctor mentioned Pai hasn't eaten... Is everything alright between you two?"

"Chai, Is everything alright between you two? Sky, you also look pale" Rain asked patting his hand, Sky let out a low sigh under his breath.

"Everything is alright guys, really... we both are just tired" Sky brushed off their questions with a simple answer, Payu and Rain looked at each other detecting that sky is lying.

Rain opened his mouth to ask again hoping he could force the answer out of sky, "It's okay then" Payu said loudly indicating Rain to ask no more question.

Rain looked at Payu confused, "We will get going, take care Kai" Payu stood up, Rain also stood but his face is painted with concern for his dear friend.

Sky wanted to ask them to stay for dinner, but he is too tired, he just bid them byes with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, dulled by exhaustion.

Sky didn't go back to their bedroom right away, instead he freshened up in guest bedroom, he prepared simple Khao Tom (Thai rice soup) for Prapai and he also added seaweed on the side thinking he might be hungry.

As he placed the bowl carefully on the tray, he realized how unconsciously he is taking care of every single detail of his meal when he is supposed to be angry on him, he sighed disappointed in himself.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in front of their bed room door "I wish all these were never happened" He sighed again.

As he opened the door, Prapai who is sitting on the bed waiting for him, turned around to the creek of the door, Sky wantedly avoided looking at Prapai's face.

He reached to Pai's side of the bed and placed the tray "Eat" he said tersely and started to leave, "Sky" Prapai caught his hand and stood behind him.

"Baby, will you sit for a minute" Pai's face is smeared with tons of guilt, Sky didn't want to look at him, his gaze was set on the floor.

Sky sat on the bed, his face dull but his eyebrows tense and guarded, Prapai kneeled before him and took both Sky's hands, "Sky... I know I made a mistake... and I know I've been hard on you... and I feel like I'm the worst person to exist" he said in a low voice.

Sky has no change on his face, he sat there as if Pai's presence doesn't affect him, "Not just this time, I've yelled at you at the Airport, I've tired you out beyond your limits and I punished you even though it's not your fault... I completely followed my fears, my insecurities and my fucking jealousy and acted on you harshly"

Prapai's eyes pooled, he adjusted himself closer to sky and placed his hands around Sky's calves "I promised to Protect you and treasure you, but I'm failing , I'm failing you, I'm failing us..."

His voice trembled with every escaping word, his eyes flowed, Pai took both Sky's feet and attached them to his face, he cried holding them.

Sky's brows narrowed "What are you doing?... stop it P'Pai!" he tried to wiggles his legs from Pai's grip but he didn't let go of them, "I'm sorry Sky... I'm really sorry"

He sobbed and pleaded his apologies while placing gentle kisses on his foot, Sky's skin dampened in Pai's tears.

Pai chocked, "I can't believe that I became the reason of your pain, and I hurt the person I love the most... please Sky... Please forgive me this time, I won't let it happen ever again"

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