Chapter 25: I Want More 🔞

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A/N: Keep commenting as you read 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

Soft rays of sunshine filtered through the curtains fall on the floor and the tiny dust particles twinkle like glitter with the dancing light.

The room held a serene quiet only broken by soft rustles of the bed sheet they were wrapped in, Sky felt his head floating up and down against Pai's chest.

When he fully recovered from his laze, he saw Prapai dozed in his sleep, sky watched how his eyes are tired and his face deprived of glow.

He moved closer to his face cupping his cheeks and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead... Sky took another moment to look at his dull face and placed one more kiss on him cheek.

Prapai gently opened his weary eyes, they were powerless and sunk under his lids, he saw Sky's face and smiled faintly.

He grabbed Sky's hand from his cheek "Sky... will you forgive me?" He asked, it's the first thing that came out of his mouth after waking up. Sky smiled softly "I already did P'Pai"

His words felt like a pure relief, Prapai's chin stiffened up and tears pooled in his eyes.They swirled in the embrace of the inner corners and slid down his temples.

The muscles in his throat tightened, he choked up and more tears flowed from his eyes, his body shook as he started crying louder like a child. "P'pai!"

He immediately hugged deeply into Sky's chest, he let his pain out, sky's eyes dampened too but he decided not to cry.

He hugged back Prapai tightly "Its okay P'Pai... stop crying" Pai shook his head sideways as if telling 'I'm not going to stop crying' and held him tighter, "I feared I might loose you.... The thought alone was scary"

Pai couldn't stop crying, sky kept rubbing his hair "phi... enough na, why would you think I will leave you? Do you think I will be able to survive without you?" Sky placed a light kiss on his head.

Prapai looked back up at him with red teary eyes "Do you still love me?... like before?" A tremble rolled in his voice.

Sky smiled softly wiping his both eyes with his thumbs "Why would I not love you P'Pai?... In fact I love you even more... You are my home"

He pulled Prapai from his chest to his face, "Really?" Pai asked still sobbing, "Now stop crying like a child" he wiped his eyes again with his palms.

More tears were pouring "If you don't stop crying I won't talk to you for real" sky cocked his brow and removed his hands from his face.

"No... no... okay I'll stop crying" he took sky's hands back and placed them on his cheeks, but his eyes couldn't stop pooling.

All he could think of is, how he is so lucky to have Sky as his life partner and the guilt of how he failed to respect him... and the fact that sky was ready to embrace him back after he acted like a total moron... he felt he doesn't deserve his love... and also plead to him silently "I'm still learning to love... please don't leave me... sky... please embrace this wind back"

"I know how to make you stop crying" Sky rose from his side and got on top of him, straddling his legs to his sides. "Sky!"

He pressed his lips on Prapai's.

Their bodies and souls found each other, the feeling of each other's mouth was like a light in the darkest path.

The droplet that pooled in Pai's eyes tumbled down his face and spread between their lips, the salty kiss was their solace.

Sky moved his lips on his mouth and kissed him deeply, Pai took his lips as a blessing to his life, he kissed him back spreading his hands on his waist.

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