Chapter 26: Twinkle

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(Peachy is so cute 🤏 in the picture 😆)

Author's Pov

Pai got ready for the race in his leather pants, black turtle neck and a Race jacket on top, he came down and found Sky on the couch scrolling on his phone wrapped in the throw blanket.

He reached behind the couch and gave him a sweet kiss on his ear "hah!!" Sky was startled for a bit and smiled "Why are you still naked hm?"

He gave him another sniff kiss into his neck "I'm not naked... see there's a blanket" he replied playfully, "Oohh! Then let's see what's underneath"

He snuggled his face into his neck and started slipping his hands inside the blanket, resulting Sky curling up and giggling.

"P'Pai stop it... go already you are late" Prapai kissed his cheek again. "Get dressed... or else I'll have to stay back and..."

Sky's expression became a cute blend of surprise and blush, he threw a pillow at him "Shut up and go" he chuckled.

"What about my goodbye kiss?" Pai asked, Sky gave him a quick little peck on his cheek "Aa... there's your goodbye kiss... now go"

Prapai chuckled sarcastically "What is that?" "A goodbye kiss...?!" sky said flatly, "This... is a proper goodbye kiss"

Pai bent Sky's neck back so it rests on the couch and kissed him, Pai's lower lip met Sky's upper lip, as he gently grabbed his throat.

Sky was took by surprise at the sudden kiss but kissed him back caressing his face, their mouths parted slightly and they both smiled.

Pai rose back "I'll get going... but I'll miss you" "Come home early na... Your wifey will be waiting for you" sky said with puppy eyes "Uh... baby!... you're making it hard for me to leave"

Prapai whined at his overloaded cuteness "When you're back let's have a nice dinner and maybe we can..." sky blushed playing with his jacket.

"Now I really don't want to leave" Prapai is whipped hard, Sky giggled and pushed him "Go..!" Prapai looked into his eyes lovestruck "Bye" he said in a soft voice.

"Bye" sky replied softly too and pecked his lips one more time.


"P'Prapai!!" "P'Pai! P'Pai!!" A group of girls dressed in pink and black glittery outfits and pink netted scarfs, swarmed around Prapai as he parked his bike in the ground, they were jumping and cheering in excitement.

Prapai nodded and chuckled at the girls giving them High-fives "Phi Pai... We missed you" "Phi your jacket is so cool" "Phi!! Are you going to race today"

"Girls...girls... girls!!" Saifa came in killing their excitements, "C'mon... guys you can't drool over this man anymore, mah boy is caged"

Prapai gave him a quick look narrowing his eyes, "Oh! Sorry... I meant married" Saifa took his word back, "Want some punches hm?" Pai squeezed Saifa's shoulder.

"Owi oyi... Pai leave it, it hurts" Saifa massaged himself and followed Pai as he made his way through the crowd.

Bunch of eyes fell on him and whispers speard among the pool of people, "Is Pai really the boss now?" "What about Pakin?" "There will be so many eyes on him now" "Shh..! Guys he's here"

Prapai reached the betting area and greeted bunch of people, one of the crowd thinned and a Man in rich black outfit walked up to him. It's Mark.

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