Chapter 17: Effects

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Author's Pov

The Faculty of Architecture's corridors are silent, sun rays basking into the common area and only muffled noises of students shouting in groups and voices of teachers were giving a slight texture to the atmosphere.

A alerting announcement caught everyone's ear, "Attention, Tongchai Sirasi and Ploy Paweetha from third year are required to meet your 'Incharge of students affairs' at the principal's office, I repeat (2x)"

The static noise with the announcement stopped, Sky and Boon looked at each other "Why are you required at the Principal's office?" P'Boon asked pointing at the speakers.

"I asked Ploy to bring her parents, she's been too rebellious" sky said getting up from his desk. "You did what?... let me come with you"Boon stood up too.

"Its okay I can deal this" sky left the staff room and head to the principal's office, as sky made it to the corridor he saw Ploy and Toy coming out of their classrooms.

The expression on Ploy's face looked unbothered and Toy looked like he is about to explode, she eyed sky with a smirk and made her way tucking her hands in her pockets.

A bunch of cars were parked in the front area of the faculty building, and two men stood beside them, the cars looked familiar, sky kept looking at them.

As he approached the Principal's office he saw him.
'Petch' a lean stature and a dirt brown coloured mullet haircut, leathery clothes and ugly white jewellery.

Sky jerked for a second, he paused, Petch looked at him he tossed his eyebrows slightly, sky's pupils dilated when he saw Gun sitting on the couch inside the office.

Gun didn't look at him yet, disgust pooled in sky's throat his face muscles cracked in repulsion. "Sir please go in" an assistant told wiggling sky from the trance.

"What's the problem with this student Sir Sky?" Principal asked as to start the conversation, Ploy stood there like a perfect kid ever to exist.

Sky looked at Gun and Petch one more time and back at the Principal "I asked the student to bring her parents who are these? May I know?"

"Guardians... we are her guardians, is there a problem with that?... Sir" Gun stood up and reached the Principal's desk.

He is in a cheetah print under shirt and a blazer, a wicked expression smeared on his face and he is radiating a strong annoying deodorant.

"Any way, Principal, this girl right here has been acting so out of hand... she's been hurting other students, you can ask that boy over there" sky bursted out at the principal.

The principal looked at Toy "Is that correct mister? Did she hurt you?" "No sir, she did not" Toy lied his gaze dropped to the floor as he couldn't hold eye contact with Sky.

"He is clearly lying" Sky said pointing at the boy, "The boy himself told that she did not hurt him" Principal stated bluntly

"Haa..." sky sighed in disbelief, Gun snorted as he found sky being fooled in front of the Principal. "Is there anything else you want to talk about Sir?" Principal asked.

"Not only bullying others, she is bringing stuff like these to school, isn't that contrary to the school rules" sky placed the lighter on the office desk.

Principal took the lighter and examined it, "Does this belong to you Ms.Ploy?" He showed it to her, sky expression shifted to utter confusion.

"No sir, that's not mine, I think Sir Sky is mistaken me for someone else" she said with no remorse at all, "If you ask a student like that, they will definitely lie, why don't you try listening to me sir?"Sky bursted out.

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