Chapter 4: Let me teach you a lesson 🔥

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Author's pov

They went to beach later the day, lazy steps in sand... salty hands holding on to each other's... they been walking on the edge for a while now.

"Have you ever been here P'pai"sky asked breaking the calmness. "Here?, in the sense Maldives?" Prapai asked back

"Yes, did you visit this before"

"Hate to say but, I did come here with friends when I was doing my masters, we had lots of fun"

"Oh! That must be nice" sky said in low voice he was kinda upset, prapai noticed the change in Sky's expression 

He stopped walking and grabbed both sky's hand and looked him in the eyes, sky looked at him back with a pouty expression.

"Sky... It was long ago, it's been more than five years feels special to me because I'm here with my love this time" he said nibbling his nose on sky's.

"Come let's grab drinks" Prapai suggested, Sky followed him, he is still upset about him being in Maldives before with his friends

He want to stay angry on phi even though he did no mistake... at that time Prapai didn't even met sky or anything.

Their order came in, sky didn't take his drink he is still salty "Thirak! Take the drink na" Prapai pushed the glass towards sky.

Sky didn't respond he kept staring at the sea. Prapai set his drink down and wrapped his arms around sky and locked him in his hug


"I said it was long time ago... I don't even remember anything.... Phi is sorry" prapai apologised honestly.

"Mm..." sky huffed pushing him away

"Don't be upset, please dear... smile a bit for me na!"

"Let me go" sky said slowly, his face still dull"

"Smile ter, please"


"I won't let you go until you smile" prapai grabbed sky tighter he waited for a while and kissed him on the cheek.

Sky startled and hit him on his shoulder, sky's eyes were wide in shock.

"If you don't smile I will kiss your lips next" Prapai said and tickled him a little

Sky finally gave up and smiled, they both smiled.

"Feed me" sky ordered cocking his head.

"Ohhoo!! Wifey demands!!... sure dear, anything for you" Prapai lost to sky again.


"Yo!! Mah man Prapai, long time no see, dayum you look fine man!" A man in a beach outfit and a straw hat approached them and grabbed a chair between them.

"P'Sam!! What are you doing here??" Prapai replied in surprise.

"I've moved here Man, this is my bar" he replied taking off his blue shades.

"Woah! So cool p'sam, you are living a life"

Sky remained silent as they both shower excitement on each other  "And who is this handsome right here?"

"He is Sky, he is my-

Before Prapai could finish Sam interrupted "yo! Pai you know what, the girls here are so good, just tell me I will set you up and for your friend too, one or two as you like I bet you can manage five at a time" he said with a secretive voice and winked.


"I know what you're going to ask, we have Thai girls too" he interrupted again.

Sky's expression changed almost red in mad anger, prapai looked at sky and back at Sam in panic

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