Chapter 23: I'm Sorry

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A/N: Keep commenting as you read🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

"It's for the missing kid, school printed these to spread in the neighbourhood, and students are assigned to post them across the city" P'Boon continued stacking the flyers.

"let me see" Sky took one of the sheets, his eyes grew wide to find the most known face printed in carbon on the paper, it's named.

















Third-year BArch, Faculty of Architecture Chulalongkorn University
Guardians: Petch Siriporn
Contact: 02-4004093
Please contact if you have any information.

Sky's mouth dropped at the picture he saw on the poster, he couldn't believe his eyes, "what?... How?...When did this happen?" sky showered so many questions.

"It's been days, she's gone missing, first everyone thought she didn't show up to school, but when her friends visited her place they got to know about her situation" Boon explained.

"Whom did the kids ask?"

"Her boyfriend, of course, said she was missing, the kids also said that he cried, so the school decided to do its part by helping search her"

"....." It's too much for him to process, he sat in his chair being pulled into thoughts, "Don't think too much Sky, that girl have too many mischiefs up her sleeve, she will probably return within one or two days"

Even though P'Boon down looked at the matter, deep down Sky knew it was not just a simple mischief, something is off about this, a girl like her can't be missing simply.

Like a spark, it struck his mind, "Haha... interested in my relationships? Haa... she is my plaything, just like you were, I'm being careful now... she is obsessed"

"She is my plaything, just like you were" The evil words of Gun echoed in Sky's mind on repeat.

Sky's heart raced at that thought, "What if Gun hurt her too, what if they both did something bad to her, maybe they are the reason... what if they killed her"

Many 'what ifs swarmed Sky's mind, he was frozen staring at the piece of paper in his hands. "Sky!" P'Boon startled him back to reality.

"Hah??" "Where are you, back to earth!" P'Boon took the sealed packets and made his way out of the staff cabins.

*SCHOOL BELL RANG* It's time for Sky to take his class, so he also made his way out of the cabins and reached the corridors.

He saw Toy walking towards him, but then the kid turned his way away and started walking in another direction, "That is strange"

"Hey kid, wait, Ai'Tongchai you stop right there" Sky called him out in the corridor the kid cursed under his tongue and turned to face Sky reluctantly.

"Yes Sir" he answered, "Toy, I want to talk to you kid, come with me, will ya?", Toy thought for a moment and nodded. "Good"

Sky took the kid to a more private place, they sat at the lunch tables in the campus, Toy did not make even a single eye contact with Sky, he was scared and timid.

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