Chapter 30: ༄ Wind will always embrace the Sky ☁︎

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A/N: Warning - This chapter contains scenes depicting rape and violence

Author's Pov

"P'Petch why am I here?" her face pale and sweat pearling down her throat, "It's a little tour for you, aren't you bored being at the school all the time" he grabbed her by the waist roughly and led her into a old rugged room.

There's a dusty bed and old furniture, the noon rays falling into the room through a metal window, the glass is broken, "P'Petch I don't like in here, let's leave"

She started to walk out of the door, but was blocked by a tall man, "Where do you think you're going?" It's Gun.

"P'Gun I don't feel good here, can we go home?" her voice is shaky, Gun's face turned evil with a grin, he laughed at her and collared her throat by pushing her to the bed.

"Wait, what are you doing?" she tried to get off but Petch held her legs and Gun pinned her to the bed hovering her "P'Gun what are you doing?" terror filled her eyes.

"Why should Petch have all the fun, let me taste you too" he grinned and smelled her hair she felt disgusted "Noo... P'Gun aren't I like you sister, why are you doing this?"

"When did I ever mention that?... even if I did, that doesn't fucking stop me" he laughed "P'Gun don't do this to me please" she wailed and tears flowed.

"Tie her up" Gun ordered and Petch tied her limbs to the bed frame "NOO.. NOO...STOP IT PLEASE" she screamed her lungs out, but neither of them bothered.

Ploy shook her body pulling the ropes hard, but it only lead the ties tightening even stronger, she's helpless and her screams going to waste.

"Calm down babygirl, your gonna have fun, its just five of us" Petch whispered in to her ear, her breath stuck and eyes grew wide when she saw three other men entering into the room.

"NO NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS P'PETCH TELL THEM TO STOP... YOU LOVE ME RIGHT, TELL THEM TO REALESE ME" Ploy struggled as she screamed until her face is red.

"You remind me of my old doll, how exciting" Gun smirked as the other men swarmed around her, ripping her clothes.

"NOOO.... PLE... PLEASE STOP THIS" she screamed and cried as they all ruined her taking turns, her wails and cries echoed through the walls of that abandoned building.

All the hostage kids faces are etched with fear as they are hearing her scream so loud and clear, every pair of eyes were in terror, crying in the uncertainty of who among them could be next.

Among the kids who were on the floor with their hands and mouths tied up, there's a boy in between them, his eyes burning with fury, as Ploy screamed with every torture she's going through, this boy's eyes flowed in pain. It's Toy.

Toy's heart ached to witness this and he cursed himself for not being able to do anything, Toy managed to blend into the hostage kids and sat among them tying his hands too.

The men tossed her out of the room into the crowd of other kids, a thin layered rag was all that is left on her, her hair messed up, body covered in bruises and cigar marks on her chest.

Her face full of shame, all she wanted was to die rather than being in this body, she cried her eyes out as she shrunk to the floor before Toy's eyes.

"Customers gonna love this girl, approved by Boss himself, ha ha ha" The man who threw her laughed at her state and closed the bared gates of the room they were trapped in.

He left leaving them all in a caged secretive room, Toy wiggled his hands out of his ropes and quickly reached her "Ploy!!" covered her with his shirt and hugged her tightly.

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