Chapter 18: You Are Mine 🔞

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Author's Pov

Prapai yanked him up from the floor and held him against his body tightly, "hah!" Sky let out a quick sigh due to the sudden jerk.

"You have no idea how I can't even stand the fact that you breathed the same air as him" Prapai's grip on sky's waist tightened, jealousy swirled in Pai's face.

"I want to replace every ounce of his breeze with mine, you are mine" Pai's gaze kept shifting between sky's eyes. "P'Pai"

Prapai grabbed sky's throat firmly and smashed his lips on his's, tides of electricity crept in sky's body, his eyes grew wide.

Prapai pulled and pressed his body on him tightly, that no drop of air can fit in between them, he squeezed sky's waist harder. "Mmrh" sky whimpered as it hurt.

He moved his lips on sky roughly, digging his teeth into his softness as he sucked them deeper into his mouth, Sky's couldn't breathe, he tried to pry himself loose from his strong hold.

"Mgh.." he struggled, the grip of Prapai's hand around sky's throat tightened, sky panicked, he couldn't breathe while his lips are being crushed and throat being squeezed.

He tapped on Pai's shoulder suggesting to let him go, Pai paid no attention to his pleads, he kept eating him and pressing harder into himself.

Sky's feet are barely touching the ground, he wiggled lacking air supply, his face grew pink and eyes pooled with water.

Sky opened his mouth just to catch some air, prapai took the opportunity and slide his tongue into his mouth and chokehold him even stronger.

Its too much, he grabbed prapai's hair and pulled him back with all his power, their lips finally parted as strings of saliva stretched and ripped.
"Haa... haaah... haa" sky panted miserably his eyes flowed.

Prapai let his throat go, sky has no energy left even to stand his head, he dropped into his chest "haa... I thought I might die" he said still panting.

"Minutes ago, I thought the same thing.... If I couldn't find you... I thought I might die" Prapai grabbed sky's hand and took him inside.

He pushed sky on the bed and hovered him, his dark skin tone looked shiny with the dim lights in their bedroom, sky moved back as if he can escape the beast in front of him.

He then held sky's waist and pulled him towards his torso , Sky's legs settled on either side of him beautifully.

placing his hands on Pai's chest "You want to do it?" His eyes filled with fear he gulped. Prapai smirked and dipped his face to his chest.

He kissed him on his neck and bit it under his canines "tss... ahh" sky whined, Pai kept running his hands all over sky's body, it began to twitch.

"P'pai I'm not sure if I can take you tonight" sky twined his hands in prapai's hair, as pai kept kissing and sucking the length of his neck.

He moved his rough kisses from his neck to his nipple, he ripped his shirt hungrily, he cupped his mouth over and sucked them hard.

"Nghh..." Sky couldn't hold his moans as they were rippling too strong, pai bit the pinkness and rubbed his textured tongue against it crushing the bud.

"Ahh... ha P'paai... please don't" sky's body arched pushing his chest stronger into pai's face, "your body says otherwise" pai growled.

"No... I cant do it tonight... ahh.."sky let out another moan as pai bit him on the waist, the skin tucked under his teeth like a fold of blanket.

Sky is hard for him, he swelled under his pants, pai noticed it and grazed his fingers on him."Mmhp..." he twitched.

"P'Pai I'm not ready today, I can't take you" sky took Pai's face in his arms, his crystal eyes glowed with utter fear. Prapai brows narrowed for a second.

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