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A/N: Keep commenting as you read 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Author's Pov

Sky made his way up to the room and creaked the door open slowly, there's a  kid who's no more than five years, playing with a mirror in the room filled with vibrant toys.

She turned around as she heard the door, her pigtails bounced and her yellow gown flared in the wind, the sun was glowing golden in the room making her skin radiant.

Big honey eyes met Sky, watery plump little lips and a tiny nose, Sky's face changed into a glimpse of surprise and shock "Twinkle?"

He slowly forwarded into the room, Twinkle ran to the other side of the room where her nanny was standing, she hid her self behind the nanny's skirt.

Sky's face lost a bit of smile but he kneeled to the floor extending his arm "Twinkle did you remember me? come here" he asked in a hopeful voice.

The big honey eyes were constant on sky, while hiding behind her nanny even more. "Please don't feel upset, she's been afraid of strangers since the incident" the nanny told.

"I also tried Sky but didn't work, she only goes to her nanny" Saifa came into the room and patted on sky's shoulder, "But she has seen me before" Sky said worriedly.

"She's five years old, do you think she will remember you?" Saifa patted on his shoulder again suggesting him to stand up, Sky stood up and backed away from the room closing the door, but the eye contact was prominent until the door closed completely.

Sky came down and slumped into the couch beside Prapai and was utterly sad that he didn't get to talk to her. "Did you see her?" Pai asked "She doesn't want to talk to me" Sky answered dull.

"Maybe she is scared, she will be fine when she gets back to her parents" Prapai rubbed Sky's hair. "Aa! Saifa, we will leave then" Pai said placing back the juice glass on the coffee table "But you just came! Stay for lunch"

Sky's face turned more anxious when Pai announced about returning "Why P'Pai, we can stay for some more time" Sky wanted to stay cause of the hope that maybe he gets to talk to that little girl.

"We got plans... babe c'mon" Pai pulled sky from the couch bidding byes to saifa, "What plans?!" Prapai didn't even bother to answer and took him to the car. They both hopped in while Saifa was still confused why the hell Pai wanted to leave so suddenly.

"P'Pai where are we going?" Sky asked Buckling his seat belt "We're going to Pattaya" He said and with in second's they were on the highway "What!! Pattaya? why so suddenly?"

"You will see"


Sky kept asking questions constantly but Pai answered none of it and was smiling the whole time, after two hours of chaotic car ride, they reached a large property, with rich black stony compound walls.

The watchman opened the gates saluting to Prapai to which he nodded, "P'Pai what's happening?" Sky was amazed by the large Building and larger lawn area, that place looked lavish.

Prapai Parked the car in the driveway and opened for Sky's door, they both were standing before a wide entrance "P'Pai what is this place" he was looking at the silvery hall with a dropped jaw.

Prapai smiled at sky's astonished face and pulled him closer by his waist "This is my uncle's home Aà Fourth" Sky's face paled white with surprise "Whaaa??"

[Aà=Referred to as Uncle (Father's younger Brother) in Thai]

"Yes baby, since you always wanted to meet him, I brought you here so that you will cheer up"

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