Chapter 29: I Need You 🔞

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A/N:⚠️ Violence

Author's Pov

*Rustle* The heavy man heard a sound from Toy's direction, and made his way to the dusty car in a dark shadow.

"Fuck... I shouldn't have made a noise he is getting too near" Toy tried to shrink himself but the man saw him anyway.

"HEY YOU!!" he shouted louder drawing the attention of other men around him, Toy panicked but he thought of something witty.

He collected a hand full of dirt from the ground and dashed it on the Man's face "Ahhh!!" He jerked back at the burn in his eyes.

Toy kicked his feet and made a run towards the abandoned buildings around the storage warehouse, other men chased him.

"Catch him" "hey! stop right there" their chasing shouts made him run faster until his lungs burn.

Toy ran through the darkest slits of the buildings and hid himself behind a large pillar "haa.. haah..." he panted sweat pooled his face and chest.

"Where did he go?" "Hey fucker! Where are you" the men lost Toy and lingered here and there just outside the place he hid, Toy clutched his mouth to muffle his pants.

"Who the hell is it anyway?"
"He looked like a kid"
"Is he one of the hostages?"
"I don't think so"
"what do we do now? Should we just leave?"
"We're gonna vacate this place tomorrow night anyway, so we'll just leave it"
"Should we tell boss?"
"Are you crazy, what will you tell him?...Tell him that we lost a kid? Idiot... he will kill us"
"Let's go"

Toy kept listening to their conversations hiding in the creaks of the buildings, he finally caught a breath after they left.

"This is too messed up than I thought... I alone can't get all of them out of here, I need tell Sir about everything" he took out his phone to text.

There's no reception to the phone "damn it... how am I supposed to get out of here? I need to slip out without them noticing me"


"P'Gun please let me go" .... "P'Gun please tell them to stop... it hurts... P'Gun you love Sky right... you love me right?... please tell them to stop"

"Ahhh..! No... no please let me go!"



Sky took a deep breath reminiscing the horrible nightmare he's been through, it wasn't a dream, it's wasn't a thought, he remembered it because he wanted to.

How horrible it would be, to a little kid to experience this type of things, he was traumatized when he knew nothing about the world... even though it feels numb to think back, its still a horrible thing for anyone to go through.

"How low this bastard can go? How many souls will he torture? Does he ever stop? Someone should stop him... If it's not me who will?... I could just leave this matter and go on with my life with P'Pai peacefully... but will I ever be truly at peace when I know the fact that kids out there are being abused and trafficked by the very same person who stained my life?"

Sky sat on his bed scrolling through Toy's messages and media, he fidgeted with the device and bit his lip tensely, slipping back into thoughts.

"What if ... what if  I can't make it alive out of this mess... what if they catch me in the process?... what if  I die?... I'm gonna miss P'Pai..." tears pooled in his eyes "Will Phi miss me?

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