Chapter 16: Partners

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Author's Pov

"Ooohh!!" Sky came out of the shower shivering as the weather is cold and the warm droplets on his body changed to cold pricks.

He came hurriedly with little steps and sat on the edge of the bed and started rubbing his damp hair with the towel.

"Oh you already took a shower" Prapai came in and set the breakfast on the table in their room.

"Its 8:15 am already... will I make it to work by 9, I need to hurry" sky covered his head completely with the towel and was wiping it fast.

"You will... don't worry... ah let me help you" Prapai took the hair dryer from the dresser and connected it to the socket that's under their bed.

"I like it" sky muttered, "like it? Like what?"
"I like it when you take care of me" sky blushed and wrapped his hands around Prapai's waist.

Prapai looked down at him and smiled in love.
Sky pulled Prapai's waist closer to face and rested his chin on his stomach looking up.

"Looks like you are in good mood?" Prapai tapped on sky's nose and continued drying his hair, the strands danced on his forehead and his eyes squinting into crescents.

"Mmm" sky lifted Prapai T-shirt and kissed his abs gently. "Hui! What are you doing" Phi chuckled as it tickled him.

"Nothing, you continue... dry my hair properly" sky lift phi shirt some more and pinched his nipple.
"Oui!" Prapai backed his chest and caught his hands.

Sky chuckled at him as he liked to mess with him,
"Keep your hands to yourself and let me focus" before Prapai could finish sky tickled him again.

"Hey!! One more time! You won't be walking next minute... little devil" Prapai bundle sky hands and pushed them to his laps.

Sky didn't budge he spread his hands inside Phi's shirt again and pinched his nipple once more, he liked how phi gets annoyed when he does it.

"You need serious punishment, mischievous boy" Prapai switched off the dryer and tossed it away on the bed.

"Haha what?" He Pushed him to the bed and pinned his hands."Phi'Pai!!" Sky's eyes grew wide still blushing"

"Told you... not to do it, see what happens now" Prapai cocked his eyebrows and stared at him sharply with predate eyes.

"Okay, okay sorry... I won't do it again, let go" Sky repented."No, I wont let you go" Prapai dipped his face and kissed him on his neck.

"Phi paai!! Let go, I gotta go to work" Sky pleaded curling in tickles, phi backed up as he don't have any place to fit his face.

Prapai's eyes thinned, if to believe his words or not, "I won't touch them, I promise"
Phi dipped his face again to kiss him on the lips but sky rolled his lips inside his mouth immediately, pai's lips only met the bare skin.

"Tsk" Prapai backed up annoyed, sky snorted "I won't let you kiss, If you start you won't stop" sky pushed him off and head back to his closet.

"Meaner, I helped you dry your hair, won't I be getting some?" Prapai sat up looking at sky with a pouty face.

"No, this meaner (he finger quoted) needs to go to work, I gotta reach in time, not like you... you own your firm and no one bothers if you came late or didn't even show up"

Prapai chuckled "You can quit your job and become the CEO, I would love to see you in that chair... chai! You would look so good in a suit"

Sky watched him getting excited at the thought of phi putting sky in a special place, he blushed.
"What do you say? Are you willing?"

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