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I stood alone on the street under a streetlamp. It was cold and I was tired. I didn't know what to do or where to go. I had been forced to break up with my boyfriend of two years. He had never been the man I thought he was, and when I told him I didn't love him anymore, he packed all of my things and threw them out of the door including me. So I just stood with my bags, not so neatly packed, in the cold, trying to escape reality.

"Want a smoke?" I head a man with a german accent say behind me.
I hadn't smoked since before I got with my boyfriend but all of that didn't matter anymore. I couldn't care less.
Without even looking at the man, I reached a hand out behind me and he placed a cig between two of my fingers. I put it to my mouth and he lit it for me. I took a deep breath in and out, caughing a little. But it felt so good to finally be able to smoke again.
I took a look at the man. His hair was long and black with white thin dreadlocks, and his eyes were dark and smokey. At first I only noticed his dark makeup, but when I looked longer, I saw that his brown eyes were so beautiful. Prettier than anyone I have ever seen before. I almost fell into a trance lookinh into his eyes.

"Thank you." I finally managed to say. I looked away from him out of fear that he would notice my trance-like state.

"What's your name?" He asked me. His voice suddenly sent a sharp feeling of being sick but also excited, througj my body and it took me a while to answer. I seemed to have forgotten my name.

"Scarlett. You?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as he did.

"Bill." He said and took another puff of his ciggarette.
While he was looking away, I took the chance to stare at him. His body was slim and feminine but yet he seemed so strong. He was tall and wore leather pants. They almost shined in the light of the streetlamp.

"What are you doing here?" Bill asked me which ripped me out of the trance once again.

"Ummm... I broke up with my boyfriend. He threw me out and I have nowhere to go." I said, trying not to sound pathetic like I needed help even though I very much did need help. And a lot of it.
He seemed to actually look worried even though we just met. Almost like he had known me for years and couldn'g bare to see me in pain.

"Well I think I can help with that." He said and waved to somebody behind me. I turned to try and see who he was waving at. I only managed to see the shadow of a man almost as tall as him with baggy clothes and what looked like cornrows but I wasn't sure. It was too dark to tell.

"What was that about?" I asked Bill with a confused smile.

"That's my twin brother, Tom. He'll find somewhere for you to live." Bill said back with a proud smile.
My jaw dropped as low as it could. Why the hell would he wanna help me?

"What? Why? What do you mean?" I asked, my smile gone. Now I was just fully confused.

"An apartment. We'll pay for it don't worry." He said. I was still confused. Or maybe just overwhelmed. I couldn't really believe what he was saying. I wanted to say "what" again but I knew that would annoy him. So I just stood there, with my mouth open trying to process the words coming out of this beautiful mans mouth.

"You don't have money for that." I said, starting to laugh a little. I felt like I was going insane. I just could not believe he would have money to pay for an appartment for a random girl he just met. I was starting to think I was halucinating.

"Of course I do, and I like you. You don't know who I am?" He asked. First, I was blown away by the words "and I like you", second, I had no idea who he was.
I stopped laughing and shook my head instead of answering him with words.

"Bill Kaulitz. You don't recognise the name?" He said, starting to look maybe a little annoyed. But when I shook my head again, he looked almost pleased.

"I guess you'll find out then." He said and grabbed my hand and one of my bags. I took the other one and let him drag me away from the streetlamp.
There was apparently a bar nearby that he took me to. He put my bags in the back of his care and dragged me to get something to drink. I was thinking that everything seemed a little strange. He acted like a famous person and everybody in the bar reacted to him in some way. Some girls giggled and blushed while some others just stared in fear.
Everything seemed strange, the way he treated me. We didn't know each other at all but he acted like a distant cousin who only came to save me from homelesness.
First he bought me a beer, then a vodka shot. Another beer and another shot. It went on like that until I was almost unable to see and walk. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to remember a thing the next day. And shen Bill seemed to have had enough, him and his brother Tom helped me to his car. I hadn't really noticed how cool his car was, and it was still hard to see when everything was blurry.

"Such a cool car!" I exclaimed and laughed a little. I could see Bill smile a little before placing me in the backseat and going to the other side for the drivers seat. Tom took his own car but went the same way as us.
Somewhere along the way, everything went black and my mind was completely blank. I woke up the next day in what seemed like a hotel room but maybe bigger than usual.
Everything was clean and neat except for my clothes from the day before that just laid on the floor.
I could hear that the shower was running and turned off shortly after I woke up. Bill stepped out of the bathroom with only pants on and a towel around his neck. I couldn't fight looking at him. He's meserizing. There is not a single imperfection om his body. His tatoos look so hot and not a single one has faded. His wet hair sticking to his face and skin. His beautiful face with those beautiful eyes.

"Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling?" He said with a pleasant smile that made me warm on the inside and outside.

"Horrible." I said with a smile. My head felt like it was about to burst and my whole body was tired and sore, and yet his smile made me feel like I was floating.

"Tylenol?" He asked, still smiling. I nodded and he went back into the bathroom.

"I only brought a few, just so you know." He said and stepped back out with a glass of water and two pills in his hand. He handed it over and I swallowed the pills before drinking the whole glass of water.


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