Be happy!

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(This chapter is unrealistic in the sense that you can't be pregnant with twins of two fathers unless it's at almost exactly the same time. Just a heads up)

I looked into the doctors eyes, my smile fading. I tried to comprehend what she just told me while my mind raced faster than ever.

"This might feel a little cold." She said as she put some kind of jelly cream on my stomach. It was cold but I didn't react. She put and instrument to my stomach and told me to look at the screen. After a little adjusting, she was able to point out a baby on the screen.

"And there is the other one." She said and pointed close beside it.

"Other one!" Taylor almost screamed like she read my mind. I felt like screaming too.

"Yes, and two differenr fathers as well." She said with a knowing smile. I hated that she now knew that I had sex with two guys.

"Two fathers? How is that possible? You only have Bill." Taylor said looking just as confused as me.

"Pregnant? Twins? Two fathers?" I asked the doctor and myself. I did know who the fathers were but I really didn't think any of that was possible. Is this a dream? Or a nightmare?
Taylor looked at me with confusion and something that might be anger.

"Tell me who the other father is Scarlett." She said, straight forward not holding back. She knew one of them had to be Bill. And she was right. But I couldn't tell her about Tom. So I shrugged and looked at her as confused as she was.

"I... I don't know." I said, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Scarlett, if you had sex with someone other than Bill you would have remembered it." She said looking more and more angry that I didn't just tell her.

"Maybe I was on drugs or blacked out or something and someone raped me?" I said so it sounded like a question. I made up a story small bits at a time to make me seem believeable. Taylor could not know what I did.
I took a deep breath, trying to ignore Taylors angry face as I slowly sat up on the edge of the bed.

"I... I need to talk to Bill." I said out loud. It was just a thought I had but I accidently said it out loud. I stood up and started running. I was surprisingly stable. Stable enough to run away from Taylor who was chasing me while shouting: "NO, HE'LL KILL YOU SCAR!" Over amd over again but I didn't stop. No matter if Bill would kill me or not, I needed to tell him and I needed to talk with someone about it. And one of the fathers is the perfect person to tell. Something inside me told me that telling Bill was the right thing to do. For me, the babies and Bill and Tom. It was a necessity.
I barged through the door to the break room with Taylor about five seconds behind me. And in that time, I managed to say it all.

"Bill, I'm pregnant. Twins." I said out of breath with a hoarse voice. Bill, Tom, Georg, Gustav and the girls looked at me in schock. Maybe because of the news and maybe because they didn't know I woke up or maybe both. None of them said a word before Taylor came through the door too.
Taylor was quiet as she realized I already said it. Bill stood up slowly while not taking his eyes off me. Those beautiful eyes. But they looked slightly different. They were more blank and lifeless and I couldn't explain why. Suddenly, I forgot all about the babies or the pain he caused me, I felt pity for him. And I didn't even know what happened. What had he done while I was asleep?
He walked up to me and wrapped his strong arms around my body, burrying his face in my neck. I stood completely still, in shock.

"Next time you feel like passing out, maybe warn me first." He quietly said against my skin. My heart had sunk to the bottom of my stomach and I felt everything at the same time. And I couldn't find out what to say or do.
He pulled out from the hug and looked me deeply into my eyes.
And then they turned. They turned from emptyness into anger. No, fury. And he let go of my arm and swung his hand and my face, slapping me into the floor. I whindd in pain as I fell and heard him shout.

"I WAS FUCKING WORRIED YOU WHORE!!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN DEAD!" He shouted down at me. I knew that what he said was good. He cared that I was alive. But the eay he said it, combined with the pain in my face and fuzzy vision, made me stop believeing that he actually cared about me. About my feelings and needs.

"I'm sorry..." I whimpered from the floor and I could hear his heavy breathing slow down. He stepped closer and picked me up by the arm.

"You will keep those babies Scarlett, and I will be their dad wether you like it or not." He said into my face. I heard his words but I didn't care. I was too focused on his face. His eyes that now looked normal again. His pink lips that looked so soft. I imagined how they had felt on my neck the night he raped me and found that I didn't feel the same disgust as I did before. Maybe I finally got desperate enough?
I gave in to myself and leaned in to kiss him. I pressed my lips against his and my whole body calmed down when I could feel his warmth again. His soft skin.
His grip around my arm got looser and he engaged in the kiss unlike what I expected. But eventually, he had to push me away from the kiss that I wish could last forever. The fury in his eyes were gone and now replaced with arrogance. A very big ego. He smiled at me in a way that made me feel like a price that he just won.

"Why so sad? You're gonna be a mom! Be happy!" He said, sounding way to enthusiastic to be normal. Somethinc made him sound lien a clown.


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