Where is Mary?

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I stood there looking after Tom until I got my shit together to go back inside the break room. That was when I noticed that Mary wasn't there like usual. Mary and Taylor usually sit there together but now, Taylor is all alone over there in the corner.

"Where's Mary?" I asked confused. Gustav looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know and I don't care." He said and went back to some card game with Georg. I looked over at Taylor hoping she had a better answer. She stood up from the couch and walked towards me and dragged me out the room again. I was starting to think the rest of my life would just be people dragging me around against my will.
Taylor looked at me with a serious look.

"I hid her. Gustav was gonna kill her! He almost did. Around a day after you passed out he punched her so much and shot her in the shoulder. She almost bled to death but I got help from a nurse who I paid so she wouldn't tell anybody where Mary is hiding. I can show you where." Taylor said. I looked at her slightly confused as I tried to process.
Mary almost died while I was gone. She is now hiding somewhere, probably in pain.
That meant I needed to try and help her any way I possibly could.

"Show me." I said. She took my only good hand in hers and dragged me down the hallway, past my hospital room. Past many bathrooms and many people. After a while, the people started to dissapear and the lights were darker. Seemed like nobody really cared about that end of the hospital. I heard people screaming inside a few hospital rooms and saw a patient wiggling like crazy in the bed with foam coming out of his mouth while a doctor tried to hold him down.

"It's always like that in this end. Here it is." She said and went to a small hidden door on the right that I hadn't even noticed. We went down lots of stairs until there was a thick metal door right in front of us.
Taylor knocked on it hard enough that I could hear the echo from inside the room. Then the door opened from the inside and creaked slightly open. Taylor pushed the door and took me with her inside.
Mary was sitting curled up on the cold stone floor under one single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"Mary?" I said and slowly walked towards her to sit down in front of her. She lifted her head and I saw her face. Both sides was completely different. She didn't even look like herslef. It was red with scratches and with plasters everywhere and what seemed like a broken nose. And one of her eyes was missing.
I gasped and put a hand over my mouth. I loved her eyes. She had such beautiful eyes and now she only has one. How did that happen?

"It was damaged and she would have died if the doctors... you know. Didn't do... that." Taylor explained. A lump in my throat started to form and soon enough, a tear fell from my eye.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here." I said, my voice grainy. A small half faced smile appeared on Mary's lips.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything to help anyway." She said, her voice surprisingly normal.

Taylor pov:

Scarlett was sitting on the floor in front of Mary, crying for some reason. I just couldn't stop thinking about who that other father was. I hated that she wouldn't just tell me. I knew it was a lie when she said that she didn't know. I knew that she knew who it was.
She was supposed to be my friend. We had been good friend who actually needed each other. But how can we be friends if she can't tell me that. Was she really that guilty that she couldn't even tell me?
Every time I looked at her, it was like she was a new person all of a sudden. A person I can't trust. Or maybe she just needed time? It could be a lot for her to comprehend. Two babies. Two fathers. Mary beaten up and hidden in a basement. And that on top of her cuts and bruises. I couldn't say that I understood fully. But I was the one who could understand her the best.

"Have you met Gustav's new girl? Shes nice." Mary said to Scarlett like she wasn't deeply hurt by Gustav ditching her.

"No, I haven't." Scarlett said, tears still falling down her face.

"Don't cry. I'll be fine. When I have healed, I can escape and let go of this whole group and I'll be free again." Mary said. She really believed that she could be normal again. I really wanted her to but it seemed to unrealistic since we had been trapped with them for so long.
Scarlett smiled and giggled a little but couldn't stop crying.

"And this time I'll actually try to help you escape. I will do my very best, not to pass out again. At least not at the wrong time." Scarlett said, her voice still grainy.

"You should ask Gustav to meet Svetlana. You'll like her." Mary said and put her hand softly on Scarlett's shoulder. Scarlett took her hand on top of Mary's and looked down at the ground.

"I will. And I'll come back to keep you company." Scarlett said and stood up again. I took her hand and went out of the room again. We walked up the stairs while she wiped away the last tears on her face and took deep breaths to try and seem normal again. Her eyes were red while the rest of her was still pale. A very bad combimation. Someone would be able to see that she had been crying.


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