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I finally was able to look away from his eyes and I took the skinny jeans from his hands and tried to put them on.

"Fucking thighs!" I shouted at my own legs, making Tom laugh a little.

"You can borrow some of my shorts if you want." He said as I ripped the jeans off and threw them back into Bill's car. I nodded and Tom walked over to his car with a smile and tears on his face.
He came back not long after and handed me a pair of big jorts that defenitely didn't fit me.

"Don't worry, I have a belt." He said and handed me a black leather belt. I put on the shorts and he held them up for me as I put on the belt. It was strangely difficult and made both of us laugh. We had forgotten about the actually serious situation we were in and I hadn't even seen Laura for days. Maybe something serious actually happened to her or was about to happen?

"That looks good on you." He said and looked me up and down. I smiled, forgetting about everything he had done to Taylor and probably other girls before him. I was fully convinced that he had changed.
Bill came out of the hospital again with Gustav behind him. Mary clung onto Gustavs right arm as she stumbled out, trying to keep up. She looked horrible. If I had to guess, Gustav had beat her up again. For what, I don't know. I reached out my only good hand to Mary and she quickly managed to take it so I could squeeze it before Gustav dragged her to his car. I kept looking after her pained face.
Tom left and went to his car and I was left alone with Bill and his annoyingly beautiful face.

"What's that?" Bill asked and pointed at the shorts I had borrowed from Tom.

"The jeans you gave me didn't fit so Tom was so much nicer than you could ever be and gave me a pair of his shorts." I said and gave him a venomous smile. A fake smile. And he didn't like that very much. He slapped me across the face once again making me groan in pain. I had a feeling that if he slapped me one more time in the next day or two, he would permanently break something.
He grabbed my wounded hand making me wince. But then he started wrapping it in a clean roll instead of the dirty one he had unwrapped.

"Now you say thank you." Bill said and looked at me angrily. I hated him. So much. He just slapped me across the face and then wanted me to thank him for such a small thing as wrapping my wounded hand that he hurt. But I did it anyway to avoid more pain in my face.

"Thank you." I mumbled and looked down at my feet.

"Good girl." He said with a smile and lifted up my chin. And then he leaned closer and pressed his lips against mine. No matter how much I hated him in that moment, I couldn't bring myself to pull away.
It was a gentle kiss. Warm soft lips and no pain. He didn't grab onto my or stick a knife in my hand. He just gently kissed me. The one thing I was longing for. So I closed my eyes and let him kiss me. But it was too quick and he pulled away too fast. Then he pushed me against the car door and told me to get in. And for some reason, I didn't fight. I did as he told me and got into the car and put on my seatbelt.

It didn't hurt downstairs anymore but I could still feel Bill. I could still remember the moans and groans he made agaisnt my eat and neck. Still remember the feeling of his dick inside me. And every time I thought of it, my hand cramped. Like it brought back the pain. I so wanted to get rid of it and just move on, but I just couldn't do that when I could still feel the hole he made in my hand. And what innocence he took from me. I would never get that back and that is his fault.
I looked angrily at the back of Bill's black and white hair as he raced to somewhere I didn't know. And when he suddenly stopped in front of a bar pretty far away from the one we usually go to, he told me to get out. And I did. I would much rather get out of his car and do whatever I needed to do than sit in his car with him.
The others were right behind us and Tom held onto Taylor by her wrist as he dragged her to the bar. I followed them and Bill into the bar that was nearly empty.

"LAURA! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" Georg shouted from a distance. Seemed that we had gotten there in time. I looked around to see where Georg was and found his shadown walking back and forth by the bathroom.

"Over there." I said to Bill and pointed at Georg's shadow.

"Thanks sweetheart." Bill said and took my good hand to take me with him. The word sweetheart sent butterflies through my stomach. It's insane how he can be so mean and cause me so much pain and I would still follow him around like a pet just to feel his rare gentleness.

"Georg, just calm down." Bill said and let go of my hand to put it on Georgs shoulder instead. But Georg just shook his shoulder to get his hand off him.

"No! I am not getting fucking children okay! She won't fucking get an abortion! I have to." Georg shouted and kicked the door to the bathroom. I heard Laura whimper from insde there and I wanted to comfort her. But was there really anything I could do?

"Laura? I know that an abortion would be painful, but it's either that or you know. Please Laura, I will be here with you the whole time if you just agree ro the abortion. I promise you will be fine." I tried saying. And I meant it. I knew that losing her children would be a catastrophe for her and would probably take her a very long time to get over, but it's the only option. And I just needed to comfort her enough to make her agree.

"No! Scarlett you know nothing about this! You have never been pregnant with twins. They're a part of me and I can't just let them go!" She shouted back. I could hear she was crying.

"Laura please, this is the only way. I don't want to see you die like Britney did." I said and took a few steps closer. Georg had calmed down a little so I tried moving him away from the door.


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