The revenge

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I was forced to stay in bed for days after I felt better. I didn't ever see Taylor and Tom only came into the room to get Bill if they were going out to sell drugs or kill people. Bill and Svetlana were the only people who came to see me when I was lonely.
So when I finally was allowed to leave, we went to Bill's house. My stomach turned inside out when I stepped inside.

Bill's pov:

I could see on her face that it pained her to be back in my house. I knew I had really fucked her up that night. And I wanted to do as much as I possibly could to make it better again. But I knew that what I did would never completely go away. And even if she loved me, I would still hurt her when she thought about it. I wish I could take it all back.
I held her hand as we walked further into the house than she had been before. Past the couch where she stared after it like in a trance. I pulled her away. I didn't want her to think of it for too long. She was in enough pain already with losing the babies.

"Do you even think it's possible for me to have your baby?" She asked me and looked into my eyes. I could see her pain.

"If you want to then we can try again. This time we won't let anything take it away." I said back with a smile. I didn't think she would have the currage to try again. I didn't even know she wanted the babies to begin with.

"Maybe." She said and looked back in front of her with an empty look.

Scarlett pov:

The feeling of being back in this stupid house just really got to my head. I felt like throwing up all of a sudden. All I really wanted to do was just find a comfy bed and just fall asleep in Bill's arms. Or do absolutely nothing. Mostly I just wanted to dissapear. But I needed to thinn about revenge on Josephine. That was more important than anything.

"When should we get revenge? I need to get it done. Soon." I said, surprised at how boring I sounded.

"Let's deal with Josephine first and I have a plan. She's coming over for dinner later." Bill said and looked at me with a crooked smile. I could see his plan was evil and I loved it. So much that I actually smiled back a little.
We went up the stairs and Bill showed me to our bedroom.

"You okay sleeping with me?" Bill asked. I knew why he asked, but I tried not to let the past bother me too much. I really did my best. And being in the same bed with Bill probably wouldn't be that hard. He was my only comfort even with all the shit he did to me.

"Yes. I want to." I said, trying not to look him in the eyes. It hurt.

Dinnertime in Bill's house...

"Take this." I ordered Bill and handed him a stack of plates. He took them from my hands with a smile. It confused me. He knew what we were about to do but yet he was still able to smile. I lost the ability to just thinking about what might go wronh. Or what might go right.
Tom did nothing but stand in the corner of the kitchen and stare me down. I couldn't tell if it was an evil stare or not. Maybe he was planning my death in his head or maybe he regretted getting angry at me.
I could never see a difference on his face anymore. I tried to just focus on making the last bit of food before Josephine stepped inside. I couldn't help but stare her down all the way until she sat down on the couch besides Georg. Georg did nothing. Neither Georg or Gustav helped with the food at all. I had to do it all myself, with the tiny help of Bill putting things on the table.

We all sat down. Me between Bill and Tom, trying to make myself smaller. Even though I made the food, I couldn't get myself to eat anything at all. I couldn't get it down.

"Georg and Gustav, I need you two to get those beers outside. You did nothing at all to help, go get them." Bill said while looking at me and not them. I knew what he was doing. Get as many people out of the house as possible to attack Josephine.

"Could you... ummmm... go over there?" Bill asked and pointed to the couch.
My eyes asked him: do you not want me to see it? But my mouth said nothing and just did what he told me to. I sat down on the couch with my back turned to the table.
I heard Bill stand up. The chair moving away.

"What?" Josephine asked. I could guess that Bill probably started to stare at her like a demon. Like he used to with me. The look if satan himself.
And suddenly I heard screams from both Josephine and Svetlana. I covered my ears but turned around to look. I had to see it. I needed to see the revenge. What I saw first, was Bill leaned over the table, holding a fork that was stuck in Josephines hand. She screamed and cried but didn't move and inch. Blood started soaking the table before Bill pulled it out.
Svetlana got up from the table and started backing away slowly, but she didn't leave the room.
And Tom of course just sat there and watched. Like nothing had happened at all.
Josephine grabbed her hand and pulled it to her chest to hold in the blood. I could see she was screaming but I didn't hear any of it.
Bill walked around the table and yanked Josephine out of her chair and on the floor. He held a tight grip of her hair and pulled out a knife. I noticed it's exactly the same knife he stuck into my hand. And he noticed it too. He took a quick look up at me and then back to Josephine after taking a deep breath.
He seemd to be cutting against her hairline and then started pulling. Blood started to flow quickly from her screaming body and onto the floor. Good there wasn't any carpet.
I just sat there and watched as he pulled about half of her scalp off her head and left it to flap.
His mouth moved. He told her something that I couldn't tell what was.
He got off her and lifted her to swing her over his shoulder. And then he walked out of the room with Josephine dripping blood frol her head and hand.


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