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Bill's pov:

I carried her out of the house and into the garden. She stopped screaming. She was probably in shock from the pain. But I wasn't done with her yet. I had one other thing I needed to do to her.
Josephine loves her looks. She uses it against people. So, the smartest thing to do is ruin it. I ruined her hair. Disabled her hand. And now, I'll ruin her skin.

I found the rubbing alcohol I had sat outside, waiting for me and Josephine to come outside. I poured it all over her, making her start screaming again when it got into her wounds. And then I took one last look at her pretty face before lighting a match and throwing it on her. She started burning quickly and I went to get the buckets of water. A few seconds later, I threw the water and the fire stopped.
And I had succeded. He skin was disgustingly ugly but she was still alive. Now, I just need to find my private doctor.

"Hey, I need you at my house. Right now." I said into the phone and hung up. No need to too much detail.

It had been a long time since I did something like that to someone I actually knew. It was easier to do it to a stranger. And killing would have been the easy way out. But Scarlett wanted revenge. Real revenge. And I didn't want to do anything but give it to her.
But I could already feel the guilt and the pain. I kept looking at her. She was completey still. Probably passed out. And I didn't dare touch her. She looked so fragile and broken. I couldn't help but imagine Scarlett like that. On the floor, not moving, nearly dead. Would Tom do something like this to her if I got revenge on him? Would that be his way of telling me to fuck off?

Scarlett pov:

After what felt like way too long, Bill came bacn into the house and I got up from the couch as quickly as possible. First thing I saw was all the blood on him. And then his face. It was empty again. He was in pain.
What have I done?

"What did you do?" I asked him. I knew he must have done something to her outside. His face had been completely different after just the fork and her hair.

"Burnt her skin. She's alive, but passed out. I called my personal doctor. She will be alive but completely fucked." Bill said with no new expressions. I felt so guilty for making him do something like that. I finally got the real Bill and I might just have ruined it again.

"I'm sorry. I should have done it myself." I said and wrapped my arms around him. All I could really do now was give him comfort. Let him know that i'm here for him.

"No, I'm glad u asked me to do it. I didn't want you to see it. I'm already broken. I want to keep you yourself." Bill said softly. I could now hear the pain in his voice.

"I want the real Bill as well. You can't keep doing this. It hurts you too much." I said, feeling tears push against my closed eyelids. I wanted to have a family with Bill. Be real people and love each other. But that could never be possible with all this pain in his life. All of his guilt.

"Help me." Bill suddenly said. He sounded like he was crying. I didn't blame him for crying. I just hugged him tighter as I started to cry as well. I heard his whimpers as he fell down on the floor, still holding onto me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be the man you want. The man you deserve." He whimpered and looked up at me with wet eyes and ruined makeup. It was running down his cheeks. I grabbed his face and got down on my knees for him.

"You are the man I want. I only want you. But you can't keep hurting yourself. I will never ask you again. I promise." I said, looking deeply into his eyes. I always kept my promises. For my whole life that was my thing. I never ever broke a promise no matter what. And I didn't intend on breaking this one either.

"I love you Scarlett." He said and burried his wet face in my chest. The words shocked me. Deep inside I already knew it. It was easy to see. But I never thought he would say it.

"I love you too." I softly said with a smile to myself. I felt like a new person. I knew I loved him but I had been too scared to tell him that I do. Now I have it off my chest and it's official. No more mean Bill. No more complications. I love him and he loves me. Now we just have to fix Tom and Taylor.

Tom's pov:

Bill looked so pathetic. They thought I had left, but I was watching them. Watching them talk it out. Hugging and crying to each other. What had she turned my brother into? He has gotten soft. And what can I do to make him rough again? To get him back to Bill.
Maybe the best way is through Scarlett. I hurt him before through Scarlett, and I can do it again.
Gustav told me to try again with the baby. And maybe that wasn't such a bad idea. She didn't even like me a little bit anymore. But that would only make it more fun to do. I can really hurt both of them if I really try to. But first I need to figure out exactly what to do with Taylor.
There is no letting her go anymore. I need to finish her off. But should I make it painful and long, or just a quick death. A gun or a knife?


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