Girl got a gun

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Bill's pov:

I have never been this angry in my life before. Scarlett was completely paralyzed in the bed because of him. How sick is he? I didn't ever think he would do something like this to someone who isn't his girl. Scarlett is mine. And he knows she will never be his. Did he just do that to hurt her? Maybe me as well.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Tom!" I shouted and punched him in the face. He took it like it was nothing even though I punched him harder than I have ever punched anyone before.

"Why the fuck would you do something like that? You already killed Taylor. Isn't that enough?!?" I shouted at Tom. I didn't have any control anymore. I just wanted to make him suffer like he made Scarlett suffer.

"Because I want Scarlett just as much as you want her." Tom said, with an evil smile that made me want to fucking kill him. Instead I punched him in the face as hard as I could. Finally he reacted and started to stumble. That just made him even more angry and he punched me back so I fell to the floor.

Scarlett pov:

I laid and watched Bill punch Tom without Tom really reacting much. I knew that Tom would soon get enough and punch Bill again. And I needed to be able to help him.
I tried to move, starting with my hands. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes to ignore the pain that I still felt. I managed to get up resting on my elbows. I took a short break when Tom punched Bill into the floor.
That was when I needed to get up. Need to. I stumbled out of the bed, my legs almost numb. I could feel Tom's cum run down my legs but I couldn't care less.

"Look at you princess!" Tom exclaimed with blood dripping from one of his eyebrows.

"Fuck you." I said quietly, my voice shaking. I leaned down to the ground with my eyes still on Tom's. His pants were still on the floor and I knew he had a gun. I reached for it and pulled it out pointing it at Tom.

"Fuck yes!" I heard Bill say from the floor. He wasn't completely out yet.
Tom's smile faded when he realized that I was actually ready to shoot. I wasn't just threatening him, I was ready to shoot.

"Put your clothes back on." I said and threw the clothes that was close to me so he could put it on. He picked it up but only put on underwear and pants. He didn't bother to put on a shirt. I didn't care. If he wanted to freeze to death then that would be his choice.

"Now, tell me why the fuck you're like this. Why you rape people and killed Taylor. Everything that youve done. Tell me why. And tell the truth." I said angrily, the gun in my hand shaking but still pointing towards Tom. He looked angry. Very angry. But he didn't move or talk.

"Talk for fucks sake!" I shouted, a tear falling down my face.
I always started crying when I got angry. And now I'm more angry than ever.

"Bill didn't tell you?" Tom asked with a stone face. Same expression as before. No changes.

"He doesn't know. Do you?" I said and quickly looked over at Bill, but not for too long. I couldn't risk Tom moving an inch.

"I only have an idea, but he never told me." Bill said with dissapointment. If I was Bill, I would have wanted Tom to trust me enough to tell me anything. That wasn't the case.

"Well, I used to have some friends that Bill never knew about. They taught me about life. But maybe not the best way. It was better than anyone. Our parents just... well... you already know that." Tom finally said, and I didn't want to interrupt. He finally started to say something.

"I helped Bill do everything. I taught Bill everything. But you can guess that the people who taught me about life, didn't know much about life themselves. They just pretended to. And now I have ended up in this shit show and there's nothing I can do about it. It's my life. And I won't stop what I do unless someone kills me. And I really don't believe that somebody will." Tom said and ended the story.

"So you kill people and rape people and hurt people because some idiots taught you the wrong shit about life in your childhood which is, what? 10 years ago? 12 years?" I said. Everything about his story sounded ridiculus. I mean isn't he able to think for himself now? Maybe he wasn't when he was little but bow hes an adult. He can use his fucking brain.

"I know that what they taught me was wrong. And I now know what is right and wrong but I can't change my life. I'm too far down the rabbit hole Scarlett." He said with a sudden sadness in his tone. I almost felt bad for him. But only almost.
But I put the gun down and took a deep breath. Now I just need one more thing from him.

"Apologise to me Tom." I said, looking deep into his eyes. I wanted to see if it was real. I needed him to apologise and mean it.

"What? Are you a child?" Tom said and started laughing. I didn't laugh and Bill didn't either. It wasn't funny. None of this was.

"Apologise to me Tom. I need you to mean it." I said getting more and more angry.
He stopped laughing again but he still smiled.

"I'm sorry." He said. I could see it wasn't real.

"That was fake. Apologise to me. For real." I said again, and contemplated if I should pick up the gun again. But I didn't.
Tom took a deep breath and stopped smiling. Then he looked me in my eyes and apologised.

"I'm sorry for raping you Scarlett." He said, this time looking genuine. So I nodded and accepted it.

"Get out of here right now and never get close to us again. Not Bill or me. You, Georg and Gustav will stay as far away from us as possible and if you don't then we will kill all of you. And your girlfriends." I said and picked up the gun again.
Tom looked angry. I knew it was probably a stupid thing to tell him but I couldn't bare to see him again. He ended this. He apologised. And now I want my life back. A life where I can be who I am and do what I want. And be happy. With Bill.

"I guess this is goodbye Bill. See you never." Tom said and gave Bill a half faced smile and left the room with his shirt over his shoulder.


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