A battle well faught

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I made Georg take a few steps back and I stood close to the door now. I could still hear her crying.

"Laura, please, I'm begging you." I said quieter at the door. And to my surprise, I could hear that she stood up from the toilet and went to unlock the door. I took a few steps back and held my hand over Georg's knife, just in case he got aggressive again.
The door creaked open and Laura stepped out slowly. Her face was red and puffy and covered in bruises. And her hands were on her stomach. The babies were only slightly visible but she did her best to protect them with her hands.

"I can't let them go." She said and took a run for it. She pushed Bil out of the way so he fell into a wall and hit his head, but he wasn't knocked out.

"LAURA!" Georg shouted behind me and I turned to hold him away. I wanted to giver her as long as possible to get away.
After a few seconds, both Bill, Tom and Gustav had run after her and I still held Georg back. But when he got too eager, he took out his knife and sliced a neat line on the outside of my arm. I screamed and let him go to hold onto my arm. It was bleeding a lot and I could see that it was deep. It was long and went almost from my bracelet to my elbow.

"Fuck!" Taylor shouted and ran over to me. I screamed and cried in pain as she ripped a piece of her shirt off and wrapped it around my arm to stop the bleeding but it didn't do much good.
Mary ran over to the bar and hopped over the counter. She pulled out lots of towels and hopped back to our side. She gave them to Taylor so she could wrap them around. I could feel them moving the flapping skin around the wound which made me scream even more. My legs felt weak and I fell to my knees so save my energy.

"Laura, get Laura." I managed to say through my screams. And to my horror, Josephine stepped through the door to the bar and looked down on me with a smile.

"What the shir happened to you?" She said and laughed like a pig.

"Shut the fuck up!" I said from the floorand tried to get back on my feet. Taylor held me up when I could finally stand.

"You want me to hit her for you?" Mary asked and looked at Josephine with the same evil gaze as I did.

"Yes." I said and held tightly onto Taylor to watch the show. Mary curled up her fist as I could see the fear spiking in Josephines face. She didn't even get to take more than one step back before Mary's hard hand hit her jaw and she fell to the floor. Mary kicked her in the face and stepped over her.

"Can you walk?" She asked and reached out her hand to me as I watched Josephine curl up in pain. I nodded and let her and Taylor help me out of the bar.
Not much further down the road were the whole group. They seemed to have caught her and tried to make her stay still.

"No!" I shouted and tried to walk faster. Mary and Taylor helped me and we almost got to them before Georg slapped Laura so hard she fell to the dirty ground. Laura looked up at me from the floor as Bill, Tom and drunk Gustav stepped a little more away.
Taylor and Mary could see that there was nothing more to do when they still tried to keep me alive, so now they tried to hold me back.
Georg turned Laura on her back as he sat down on top of her to hold her. She cried and wiggled and tried to get out of his grip. This was much worse than when Britney died. Britney had accepted her fate while Laura tried to protect herself and her babies with her last power left. She faught and faught while Taylor and Mary held me back so I couldn't help.
I got dizzy from the loss of blood and fell to the ground once again.
Georg grabbed Laura's neck and raised the knife as she screamed for her life. And then he dug the knife into her stomach and took it oit so the blood flowed. She screamed out in pain as Georg tightened his grip on her neck. It choked out her scream as he dug the knife into her stomach once again. I wanted to cry and scream and tell someone to do something, but I was weak and paralyzed and couldn't move or say a word. I could just watch as Georg stabbed her stomach over and over until Laura's face was lifeless. Pale and lifeless and a big pool of blood around her stomach which was now ripped to pieces.
And finally, Georg stopped and threw the knife on the ground beside him and tried to catch his breath. He got up a few seconds later and looked straight at me.
His face and hands were covered in blood as well as his clothes.

"A for effort." He said to me and turned to get into his car. He just walked away like it was nothing. Gustav was too drunk to realize what happened and Bill and Tom looked unphased. Like they were used to it. Bill stood still but Tom walked over Lauras body and over to me, Taylor and Mary.

"Get up." He demanded Taylor. Taylor gave me to Mary and stood up.

"Get in the car." He said and pushed her a little of the way. He leaned down on his knees and took my arm. He signaled to Mary that she should move and she did. But she took one last worried look at me before getting into Tom's car as well.

"What happened?" He asked and held on tight to my arm like Mary had done.

"Georg." I said, my voice grainy and weak. He sighed of dissapointment and helped me get up. He held me in his arms, tight against his chest so he almost dragged me along the ground over to Bill's car.


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