Don't fall in love

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Bill had taken me to his car. My ex was wrapped in a bed sheet behind me and I could smell the blood from where I sat. I opened the window to get some fresh air in but he drove too fast for it. I had to close it again.
Bill kept looking back at me in the mirror but I didn't look at him.
We stopped at a sort of warehouse pretty far away from buildings that actually had people in them. A group of people stopd outside the door. I looked to Britney confused on what we were doing, but she didn't even look at me. We went outside the car and the rest of the group had parked behind us. Britney took my hand as well as Laura and they held me close to them in the back. The boys stood in front of us and started talking to the other men.

"Show me." Bill said and reached out a hand. A very tall and muscular man took a few steps closer to Bill. I could see that he put a hand on his gun. The man showed Bill a paper bag. Bill took a quick look inside and took it.
Gustav took a small see through bag from his jacket pocket and handed it over to one of the other men in complete silence.
I could feel my hands sweating and Laura's did too. But not Britney. She was like a statue as always.

"Who's she?" A smaller man with a beard asked and pointed at me. I froze in place.

"Mind your business." Tom said and stepped further back, covering me.

"Is she new? Whos is she?" Another man asked with an evil smile.

"Shes mine, and you will not ever look or talk to her or about her, got that?" Bill said and pointed a finger at him. The man stopped smiling and looked down at his feet.

"Now." Bill said, and gun shots filled the air but didn't hit anybody except for the other group. I jumped back while Britney and Laura squeezed my hands tighter, probably to comfort me. But I didn't feel comforted. I was scared to death.
When the smoke and dust had cleared, a big pool of blood slid closer and closer to us as the bodies appeared. I gasped and let of of theyre hands to cover my mouth.
I couldn't see that anybody had pulled out a gun, so where did it come from? I looked around but didn't see anybody.

"The roof." Laura said and pointed to a tall abandonned building with someone laying on the roof. And the same on the other side.
They had been prepared. It was planned.

"Don't fall in love with him. This will be your dairly life." Britney said finally. I took theyre hands again as Bill turned around to look at us.

"Next time we hide her better okay?" He said to the group. They all nodded, even the girls.

Bill's pov:

I don't know what came over me. One moment I didn't care what happened to Scarlett, and the other, I shot the whole gang without second thought. They only mentioned her twice and yet I still reacted so aggressively.
They didn't deserve any better than death, but I didn't plan on ending it that quickly.
Screams of girls sounded behind me. Not any screams I recognised, though I still turned to look. A whole bunch of small asian school girls came over to the men and checked if they were alive. Some cried and some were completely still. Just like Britney.

"Get out of here. Now! Or I'll kill you too!" I shouted at them and pointed both my gun and the new silver one.
After they ran, I remembered that Tom needed that silver gun. I turned and handed it over to Tom before dragging Scarlett with me into the car.

"I'll drive you home okay?" I said to her shocked face. She hadn't said a word since we arrived at the warehouse. Not that I cared or anything, but I just didn't expect that from her. Maybe she just needed to get used to it like Britney did.

Scarlett pov:

He dropped me off at the hotel and gave me a hard kiss before leaving me there. I was still in shock and it took me a while to figure out where I was. And when I did, I walked inside and didn't talk to anybody. Security asked me how I was doing but I didn't answer. The man behind the desk asked me if I was okay, I didn't answer.
I stopped outside the door to my room and looked at the carpet. It was completely clean. No blood, no trace of his body at all. I took a deep breath and went inside the room. I tried not to look at the wall with my blood on it, and went straight into the shower.
I took one very long good look at myself before taking my clothes off. My whole body was stil shaking and I felt sick.
I sighed at the nice feeling of the warm water on my body which calmed my muscles down a little. I closed my eyes and tried to think "happy thoughts".
Flowers in a field on a sunny day. The calming noise of a lake. The taste of lemonade under the shade of a tree in the summer. The sound of birds chirping or the drum of rain on the roof. But nothing helped.
After what I think was almost an hour, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a big soft towel. My skin had red patches from the heat of the water and I couldn't see myself in the mirror. I wiped it with my arm and started putting the creams and serums in my hair that I needed to keep my curls alive. But after that, I couldn't bring myself to do more. I sat down on the bed with only a towel around me and looked out the window.
I can't do this every day. The girls were right. Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav are monsters, and I can't keep doing this. I have to lock myself in. I can never allow myself to see Bill again. No matter how much I want to feel his touch, I can't do it.


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