Poem 2 - Reborn (PRV2)

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The despair in your eyes,
you felt as if the demise was coming,
Going through an endless crowd,
The walls are cracking, crumbling tonight.

You know what you had to do
To become the person you are today
You understood you had to fight or you'd die
And yet fighting your demons wasn't enough
You needed to do more than just survive
You had to learn you couldn't relive your past
You couldn't revive what is already dead

Your wildest dreams and your biggest nightmare
They collide together
You had to change, you had to die
In order to be reborn

The only way to reform is to embrace a new mind
It is the right path you'll find
Most problems are created inside your head
This is why the past needs to be dead

Leave what's been to its demise
Be reborn, face the light,
don't stay inside the darkness
You know you can't hide forever

The only one who pities you is yourself
You create your own psychological hell
Built on beliefs of hopelessness and despair
When the darkness binds you in its lair
It might be hard to get out of the hole you fell in
You must remember
You are not who you were before
You are capable of change
As long as you believe

It's holding on that causes you damage
You have to let go of the reminiscence
Stop embracing who you were
If you managed to last this long,
And feel it's wrong for you to live,
Remembered it's okay to just survive sometimes

However, you must escape this empty hole
You can't stay in forever
You'll either pass away in the blackness
Or kill the past to ensure the future you can live in,
When you're capable of reform and rebirth
You need to spread your wings and fly away
In a future where you can see better days.

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