Poem 18 - The man with an anchor on his shoulder (PRV1)

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A man who likes to drink
Standing on his death's brink
An anchor on his shoulder
A ship he builds with his hands
He's a sailor who awaits his death

He is suffering from cancer
He can't eat what he wanted
His wishes can't be granted

He is a human made out of bones
His thin skin can't take in any food
He is sinking in his own boat

Someone who liked to drink and smoke
His alcohol made him broke
The guy who took us to the zoo
Swallowed by this horrible goo

I was young I couldn't truly appreciate
His kindness and time with him
Watching TV the light is dim
The brim of the couch we're sitting on

The couch was his sleeping place
It's where demons stole his face
Took his soul with their theft
The remains of what was left
Was to be found in the dead of the night

His coffin is on display in the light
He's free from any fright
His favorite music is playing
His body is out there hiding

I sat trying hard not to cry
Observing the dirty floor
His soul flew out of the door

Countless people crying
They knew he was dying
And he still kept making effort
He never gave up

Tears are falling to the ground
Eyes are avoiding the display
Mind attempting to get away from the gray

A car ride to a dining place
All these people saw my crying face
His soul is now at peace
I gave them the wrong hand
He became cremated
A pile of black sand

He could never rise from his ashes
For him he was free
He could no longer be or see
The future us or me

He wasn't perfect he had his flaws
He created his own strict laws
He built ship models with his hands

He was a fellow with an anchor on his shoulder
Weighted down by a giant boulder
The cancer swallowed him whole
There was no cure
A man with flaws but true

A guy who loved to build ships
The one who loved to watch westerns
A human with a tattoo on his arm

The one who sent us on trips
Who couldn't help but sip
The alcohol on his old lips
Is what killed him from the inside

His addiction shouldn't have defined him
He shouldn't have confided in it
He died in his sleep
A peaceful way out of this world

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