Poem 9 - False reality (PRV1)

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Inspiration: Psycho in my head - Skillet

Living in a false reality
I don't know how to stop the havoc in my mind
I don't know how I was perceiving
My mind made it all look deceiving

I know you're miles away
And into my life loneliness returns
I tell myself don't live in the distortion
Don't put these thoughts into motion

Why are my thoughts conflicted?
What made my reality inflicted?
I know I'm not the one I've once been
However, in my heart, it's empty again

I feel you're miles away from me
Somewhere where I can't reach
Presumably having fun
While I'm here sitting, waiting for you to respond

Living in a false reality
It's what broke me once already
It will shatter your sanity until you fall
Into the bottomless pit of insanity

Don't underestimate cognitive distortions
Your mind plays you like a puppet
Drives you like a locomotion
Negative thoughts distort your reality
And you question if you live in insanity

For years I thought there was something wrong with me
I was blinded by my thoughts, I couldn't see
The suffering I made myself go through
Made me wish I could just end it and soon

In my heart cracked and broken
I knew I wanted to live it through
Opportunities would come by
My mind would play me a lullaby

I caused my mind to be a prison
I lost myself, I wasn't in unison
These voices were depictive
And my broken soul was sensitive

Constantly assuming I couldn't stop
So many countless tears I've dropped
I drove myself crazy by remembering

I should've let the past be dead
Instead, I dwelled and lived in what has been long dead
The future in front of me was scary
I found shelter in what's been
In everything I've already lived through and seen

Your mind is a place you create
Being surrounded by the wrong people is not the way
The environment is what makes you thrive
Or on the other side make you want to die

A bird locked in its cage is unhappy
And a bird who's let out will sing
You need to listen to your heart and think
If your intuition warns you
You must listen

There are people with bad intentions
Who will take advantage of you
What you believe isn't always true
Sometimes it will only leave you out in the blue

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