Poem 16 - Lost in delusions (PRV1)

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I made myself live in this illusion
Everything I did I knew was a delusion
I choose to suffer in this misery
I chose to live in this neverending hysteria

Why did I turn my head inside a prison?
Where my mind and heart aren't in unison
I thought nobody would listen, I was a fool

In this chronic loneliness was no escape
I had to conceal under this facade
No one ever noticed or asked if I was fine
Nobody was aware of the reality, it was mine

I lived in my prison cell for a century
I let my mind and emotions control me
I was blind to see the truths underneath
I embraced the thunder, the storm

I was an empty shell with no form
Trying to find myself, to reform
I had lost myself in the misery
Lived in the delusion for so long

I realized something was wrong
I couldn't figure it out
I was badly hurt but I didn't shout
I stayed quiet and calm

I can hide well behind this poker face
They couldn't see it even in my eyes
Where the truth lies
They didn't view the true cause

It's interesting what you can conceal underneath
They could never guess what was wrong
I never told them, they didn't witness my pain

After all most problems are created
Inside of my head
It made me wish I could be dead
It's the same song again

Why did they misunderstand how much I suffered?
I'm not good at hiding either
They didn't worry about me either
The suffering that reflected in my eyes
Couldn't be seen or heard by others

It's only natural sometimes
People don't know what you're going through
They don't see it in your face
If you're too good at hiding
Behind this facade

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