Poem 25 - The sadness beneath (PRV0)

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Deep beneath we all hide some kind of sadness
Only we can decide stay in light or darkness
Everyone hides behind a mask of sadness

Everyone has some kind of problems
The words we don't say
The way we hide behind this facade
Sometimes it's easier to stay quiet

Others don't know the face we hide
The part that would cause genocide
We try to let our problems slide
And yet we ourselves are on a bumpy ride

You are aware of what pains you deep deep down,
It's easier to not speak out, keep it inside
Sometimes it's not easy knowing what's wrong
You keep trying and yet nothing works

We can't always tell the pains of others
The words they swallow again and again
We wish to help, sometimes it's not possible

Unspoken words give us great misery
Others won't know it if we drown in our mystery
Built walls around you, not letting them in

People around you are now only ghosts
Helpless they feel, for the darkness beneath
It is only a mask of tears

Everything eventually appears on the coast
The waters will spit it out
The oceans you were drowning in
Waves rolling, trying to pull you down

Stabbing consistently in the chest
Eventually escaping the suffering's nest
Lungs gasping for air before you choke
The memories in you evoke

Focusing only on the hurt will drown you further
Everyone mourns in a different way
We can't know the feels of others
The closed window to their soul

The great pain you hide under your facade
It could be better if you break your walls
Deep beneath we all hide some kind of sadness
Sometimes it's easier to keep quiet

Stay here in our bubble, not muttering a mumble
Sometimes words can break you
They might not understand

Everyone covers their tears beneath
In a world no one other can see
The emotions you feel aren't wrong, will never be
You can pull yourself to the shore and be free
In the better future only you can see

First you must believe you're capable
The irreparable damage you went through
The thoughts are clouded
The voices in your head scream louder

It's time for you to decide and get out
Heal yourself first because no one other will
Life's a mill of opportunities
Throw your sad mask away
Step out and face the lighter days
Escape the world you've known
Start all over again, be reborn

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