Poem 20 - Stockholm hearts (PRV1)

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Convinced they love their jailor
The cruelty is unnoticed
Convinced they're who's mistaken
They have Stockholm hearts

A victim stuck up in a mental prison
The one they like the most is their jailor
They're hell's prisoner
A boat sank by its sailor

Tied up in the strings
Tied up, cut off their wings
Not ever loose, swallowed by the chains

Living in constant insecurity
They think their passion is a necessity
They're always the ones in the wrong
They are tied to their Stockholm hearts

A person untrue and cruel
Playing their victim like a puppet
They have no heart

They show no remorse
Shouldn't be surprising, of course
Black and white, once good, once bad
Who can you trust if not your own mind?

Who are they to jail you and cut off your wings?
Tear you apart, throw salt into your wounds
Your tears will not make any sounds

You are the puppet's master puppet
You are their prisoner
An inferior being controlled like a doll

Trying to get ahold of the grounds
The earth crashes anytime you tried
Caught up in their selfish desires
In constant crossfires

A life with a Stockholm heart leads to a lost soul,
A being lost in their thoughts
Played on their feelings
Misunderstanding the meanings

It's hard to escape the constant suffering
Pieces of your mind-shattering
Sometimes humankind is rather cruel

And your jailor pushes you into the fire
Watching you burn by his desire
He won't stop even if you're ashes
He will only keep pouring the fuel

You love someone even if they cut your wings
Even if they make your soul sing of pain
Take away your sanity

Watch your heart break a dozen times
Picking it piece by piece
A victim breaks apart most of the time
Mentally unstable, life without them is unbearable

They can't understand your agony
Your mind attacking you with bullets
A bloodshed, you end up broken

A small mistake was all it took
To push you on the wrong side of the road
Following a path you weren't meant to take
Destroying yourself for other's sake

Allowing them to control you
A toll on your health
You not once feel whole, complete
Your way of thinking is obsolete

Your reality is a life full of misery
Insecurity, fear, your demons lurking near
Fear they will attack you from behind
Your jailor's helpers from hell
Locking you into your cell
And throwing the key away

Watching you drown in your suffering
No remorse, or helping, only standing there watching

As you're driven more and more to doom
Curling up between the sides of your room
Wishing this wasn't your fatal reality
You're the jailor's prisoner, the puppet master's doll

It's hard to escape from their claws
Trying to understand their selfish laws
It's hard to take it
The feelings of panic and wanting to run away
Being stuck in a place

Waves of panic, living in their control
Any mistake is an incorrect choice
Careful not to make excess noise
You wish to talk but your voice is quiet

Inside you're screaming for help
No one can understand or see
Who you are under this facade you made
They don't see it in your eyes
They wouldn't understand

You keep the words to yourself
Stuck up in your mental hell
A bit of words left unspoken
Is what causes you great pain

No matter how many questions you ask
There are no answers and you're confused
Are you right or not?

Countless tears and bloodshed
For someone who not even cares
A person who doesn't deserve your love
A person who moves you as a pawn
On the black and white squares

Their moves are well-thought-out
They want to see you sink in your boat
They want to control you forever
Throwing your love out in the sewer

It always has to be their way but not yours
It's not "you" or "us" but only me,
And after all this time don't you see
This is not the life you deserve
This person you observe
You continue getting on their nerves

They don't define who you are
They never did
This isn't the path you are meant to take
Leave now for your own sake

All they did was cut your wings
Instead of setting you loose
Tied you up in this noose
Pushed you into this cell

They didn't care about your well-being
Instead never stopped lying
You can do better than you think
All they do is make you shrink
You are not inferior
You never were

Sometimes letting go is better than staying
The pain will eventually go away
It was always "my" way, not yours,
You can change this if you believe
One day you'll soar the skies again

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