Poem 14 - The living zombie (PRV1)

16 1 13

He is a living zombie and she's in his embrace
Every day having to deal with his face
His voice is gone now, his brain is in shambles

He doesn't know who she is, every day
Everything that is left is just shatters of a man
A land he built slowly cracking apart

He lost his voice and soon lost his mind
Roaming around the humankind
Bound to die anytime
He is a live zombie

Not knowing what will he do next
She can never truly rest
This is her ultimate God's test

Taking care of this shell of a man
Once smart and capable
Now an old human with a shattered brain
Sometimes he's fine sometimes he's not
Can't remember us, can't remember her

His memory is slowly disappearing
He is slowly dying away
He turned our home into a house of despair and misery

It's a horrible disease and there's no cure
The condition lured into his body
Causing him to be moody
You can't guess his next move

The saddest part is he's done this to himself
Constantly saying how sick he is
Not valuing his life, constantly complaining
And she chose to be with him

There's no cure for a person so untrue
He barely valued her, she was his doormat
The reality is rather sad
Everything she could've had
He made her into something less
He made her feel meaningless

All he could do was criticize and live in the past
Replaying the memories that didn't last
His health began deteriorating fast
If only he did what he was told
His health wouldn't be full of mold

She still loved him with her whole heart
No matter the way he treated her
Because he doesn't mean what he says
Or does he?

Today he is a live zombie, an empty shell
He doesn't remember where his home is
And he can not be left alone
You never know when will the doom happen

It's only becoming worse and worse
And she's still stuck with him
No matter the way he treated her she loved him
Constantly excusing, always refusing
Why was she blind to reality?

Her mistakes led to a fatality
Her mentality led to this reality
She isn't always right
Why didn't she fight?

This is her reality now
We live in a house of despair and misery
We can't be certain when will be another wave of his mystery
A horrible fate fell beneath him
What else is there to say?

He is a living zombie
With shatters of his mind
Suddenly becoming so kind
He isn't himself anymore and never will be again
There's no cure for him
The only freedom is death

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