Poem 29 - Your deathbed

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I saw it with my own eyes
A breathing corpse on the bed awaiting it's demise
Stuck between the borders of death and life

Laying there breathing for the last time
I held its hand I knew it's the last time
I would ever see him to say my goodbye

Heart slowly beating
Mouth open still breathing
A week or two and it's the end
I saw with my own eyes his deathbed

My dad said: “Thank you for everything”
What these words meant I didn't want to think
In the blink of an eye we ended up here

His body is shattering slowly
Organs malfunctioning
Brain sinking
He can't open his eyes
Yet he's still alive

Life refuses to let him go
He is dying slowly
In the hospital bed
It's sad what led to this
He got offered treatment
He didn't insist
His body’s punishment didn't miss

Afternoon, evening or morning
Who knows when we'll be mourning
Another coffin down the drain
Carried by the son once again

On the deathbed paralyzed
Never returning home
His soul goes to roam
Between the worlds of life

It's hard to look at a dying person
It's easier to turn a blind eye
Live in denial, in a lie,
Than to accept death will welcome him at the other side

The last time I knew it was
Seeing his deathbed to say our final goodbye
To accept it's been a lie
He will never get better
It's soon his time

No use of tears now for a person dying
For there will soon be a funeral full of crying
This is our last goodbye
We wish you to fly up high
In the arms of afterlife.

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