Poem 24 - Selfish dreams (PRV0)

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Is it selfish to have my own dreams?

Sometimes I'm afraid I could be selfish
I don't think I'm doing enough
I simply can't turn back what they gave
I'm afraid before I can, they'll be in their grave

These efforts they went for me
I am barely returning
Am I even doing enough?
The guilt, the barriers
Sky's supposed to be the limit
And my path is surrounded by obstacles

Things that truly matter to me
Suddenly feel less important
Before they meant a lot to me
I'm tired of waiting, I want them to know, to see
Is it selfish to have my own dreams?
Can't have it one way or another
What will happen I'll soon discover

Time to invest in learning
And then there's no more seconds remaining
I can either help or focus on my dreams
Afraid they'll be no longer here one day

I want to make them proud
For years I've been working around
And then there's no time left for helping
For what I strive to do should be entertaining

Does it matter or is it not important?
Be there for your family and give up your dreams?
Is it selfish to want more?
Should be there for them
And yet I can't decide

Is it selfish to want to achieve what they couldn't?
Am I wasting life investing time?
Valuable skills could be learned

I desire to help eventually
For what I hope is not irrelevant
I could've been doing more
It's probably not enough

Life's silent barricades
It's what society wants, must follow
If you won't, you'll become hollow
It doesn't matter whether you want or not
You'll have to do whatnot

Sacrifice your dreams for the family
If you want to survive you need the money
Give yourself up abandon it all
The burden will make you fall apart
You're the one they will soon depend
Make them proud, or let it fade away

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